Chicago Style Steppin’ From The Eyes of A Teen Stepper Cami Taylor

Chicago Style Steppin’ From The Eyes of A Teen Stepper Cami Taylor

Reading Time: 5 minutes We see young steppers on the dance floor but we don’t hear much from them. It was my delight to interview a fellow blogger and stepper, Camille “Cami” Taylor. Cami shared her insight as a fifteen year old to her inspirations and what fuels her curiosity about Chicago Style Steppin’.

Are You Looking At My Hair Or Watching Me Step

Are You Looking At My Hair Or Watching Me Step

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I started Chicago Style steppin’ I experienced new hair maintenance struggles. On 4-5 day event weekends, I needed a hair stylist after the first night because my ‘do’ would be ‘done’ from the welcome set and still — days to go. As much as I strived for perfect hair to stay put, survive the main event on Saturday, and be intact for Sunday’s farewell, my hair -relaxed or natural – was a struggle. For my natural sisters looking for ways to get your hair the way you want it for any day of an event weekend, it is possible. Alexis Perkins and Tyshawna Witherspoon present in their new book Kinks to Curls, how to maintain a natural lasting, curl pattern without chemicals.

Henry Williams. His Journey to WLSC

Henry Williams. His Journey to WLSC

Reading Time: 7 minutes It is that time of year when some people take stock of the new year ahead and what they plan to do. Are you ready for a contest? The WLSC season has passed and you saw who was on stage and how they performed in 2016. Did the performances inspire you to get ready to be on stage next year or….? Well, it takes work to get to that stage and leave a lasting memory. Read about Virginia’s own, Henry Williams, and his journey to the WLSC 2016 stage.

Etiquette Header

Etiquette #4 If You Need Me There, Lead Me There

Reading Time: 2 minutes The leader is critical in this dance and gentlemen, the lead starts even before the “seven-eight.” Women love steppin’ and start and stay in this community for different reasons but for me, the social traditions of this dance were like glue and contributed greatly to my enjoyment and dedicating a lot of my time to steppin’ Chicago style. Men treat the ladies so differently on the dance floor and in a good way.

Five Stops for Stepping 2016 WLSC Weekend

Five Stops for Stepping 2016 WLSC Weekend

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I went to Chicago before I was so mad that I spent so much money on a hotel room that I hardly spent any time in. I went from party, to after party, to party after the after party and just popped in my room for wardrobe changes. I had noooo sleep. Well, again I stayed at the Convention Center and this year, rinse and repeat I did. I will probably do it again. Here is what I did that was so much fun for a die hard stepper like me and if you are set to go to WLSC in 2017 start your list of what to do with these places and events.

How To Make The Most of A Private

How To Make The Most of A Private

Reading Time: 3 minutes Right now, there is no set path or curriculum for development to learn to step Chicago Style. Everyone learns differently and at his or her own pace. You don’t have to go to classes for a year or any given amount of time before you take private instruction or “privates” as we say. I started taking privates in my first six months steppin’ but I still attend workshops. Privates in general cost more than going to a workshop since it is a one on one lesson with an instructor targeted to what the individual wants to take or make out of it, so spend your money wisely. Whatever timeframe you choose to start taking privates to take your craft to the next level, make the most of the opportunity.