The Stepping Community, A Place for the Squares and Now the Bums
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The Stepping Community, A Place for the Squares and Now the Bums

Reading Time: 3 minutes Not until 2017 did I hear the terms “squares” and “bums” used in the steppin’ community. I have always loved how this community attracts “different” people. I hope in years to come, we can all find a place on the dance floor with each other and still enjoy ourselves and have a good time although we are different.

Breaking the Silence. I am Back.

Breaking the Silence. I am Back.

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the last two months I stopped blogging and several steppers have asked me what is happening with the blog. In the five years that I have been steppin’ and involved with this community, this is the first time that even my thoughts were so overshadowed by what other people were saying or doing. One thing hasn’t changed and that is my love for steppin’ and so for good reasons, I am breaking my silence.

Why Tony Butler Asks The Questions No One Else Does

Why Tony Butler Asks The Questions No One Else Does

Reading Time: 3 minutes Antoine”Tony” Butler’s daily questions on Facebook have stimulated controversy, nostalgia and conversation. Tony you have caused quite a stir on social media with your questions and I’m curious what happened, what’s your motive and where do you think this will take us as a community?  Let’s talk – real talk!


A Polite Plea for Proper Steppers Paparazzi Protocol

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I saw Jewell Booth immediately turn her back to someone casually passing by and stopping to take her photo with his camera phone, I was puzzled.
“Wasn’t he just taking your photo?” I asked Jewell.
“Yes, but without my permission! That is a topic you should write about on your blog.” she responded.

This Month’s Feature Stepping Instructor Walter Lane

This Month’s Feature Stepping Instructor Walter Lane

Reading Time: 6 minutes Walter Lane is from Apopka, Florida. He served 28 years in the military retiring as Command Sergeant Major. While in Detroit working for the Detroit News, he saw Chicago Style Steppin’. He returned to Florida in 1995 but got his chance to really focus on steppin’ in 2008 and has been steppin’ for 9 years. He has been instructing since 2010. As a club manager in the military and growing up in a club because his father was a club owner, Walter knew about entrepreneurship, running a club, and how to create an atmosphere for successful social events. He offers classes for free and as a community activity to provide a social outlet for adults where grown folks can go out and have a good time. His organization, Florida Steppers International, has outgrown any organization in the state of Florida and caters to a grown folks audience with a classy event atmosphere. Walter aspires to open a studio where he can teach children to step because he believes teaching our youth to step can prevent them from getting in gangs and other trouble.

Ready to Compete. 8 Qualities To Look for in Your Contest Partner

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you are looking for a winning partner for a steppers contest, it is not just about dancing with the person who makes you feel good dancing to your favorite song. A well-rounded partner and you bringing the same qualities to the table are what it takes. So, what is important?

2017 Adult Steppers Spring Break, What did I miss Mike B?

2017 Adult Steppers Spring Break, What did I miss Mike B?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Every time that my friend Michael “Mike B” Bennett returns from a steppers event his photo review and photo editorial shows up in my Facebook feed and always captures my attention. He always seems to capture a little of everything that tells the full story of his weekend and with music. I love his nostalgic point of view. I did not make it to the 2017 Adult Steppers Spring Break (ASSB) last weekend as I planned, but I know he was there. I thought Mike B was the ideal person to give me the recap on ASSB and share his perspective on what went down last weekend in sunny Florida.

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Etiquette 7, Be The Person People Want to See Again, But Be You

Reading Time: 3 minutes I thought about writing this article for a long time. I tried to write other topics but my mind wouldn’t let me. This isn’t directly about the dance itself but it is a topic rooted in etiquette and I believe just as important. Two weeks ago I said to my niece, “Shanice if you ever need a hug, go to a stepper set or class.” On the start of my 2017 Midwest tour I have met many people in Chicago, Indianapolis and Detroit. And, I am learning some things the hard way but still learning. Maybe this article is more a point of record for me but I will share my thoughts.

5 Things Westside Mike Said Made Me Say “Oh!”
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5 Things Westside Mike Said Made Me Say “Oh!”

Reading Time: 3 minutes I made a promise to myself to visit Chicago this year on a week when there was no World’s Largest or major event going on in the city. So said, so done. I spent five days in Chicago in the middle of March and there is so much to say about that time. During my trip, I had a chance to sit and talk with Michael “West Side Mike” Bush.

Ronnie "B" Burnett

Ronnie B and the Story of His Music

Reading Time: 5 minutes I met Ronnie B in Atlanta for the first time and I had been exposed to his music from videos I had watched on YouTube. It is hard to forget watching this man and his beautiful wife Ronda steppin’ in his music videos. You can hear most of his music on his albums, Hopeless Romantic, So Mental, or Get Away and see his videos on YouTube. In Atlanta I hear his music quite often played at Ms. Mary’s Saturday Set.

10 Memorable Moments From The 2017 Heritage Ball
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10 Memorable Moments From The 2017 Heritage Ball

Reading Time: 3 minutes I think I have finally recuperated from this year’s Heritage Ball weekend because it is truly a “no sleep weekend.” There are tons of gorgeous photos and videos from the event all over Facebook. I had my special moments – some caught on camera and others not on camera that made the 2017 Heritage Ball a memorable time for me.

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Etiquette #6 Please “Ask” To Cut In On A Dance Before Doing So

Reading Time: 2 minutes Has someone ever cut in on your dance at a steppers set? If not yet, it will probably happen. When it happens to me I might be thinking, “Wait! I was enjoying that dance.” And “can you get me on the next song?” but I don’t say it because the person I was dancing with graciously, like a true gentleman gave my hand to a new partner with no argument. Why?

Chicago Style Steppin’ From The Eyes of A Teen Stepper Cami Taylor

Chicago Style Steppin’ From The Eyes of A Teen Stepper Cami Taylor

Reading Time: 5 minutes We see young steppers on the dance floor but we don’t hear much from them. It was my delight to interview a fellow blogger and stepper, Camille “Cami” Taylor. Cami shared her insight as a fifteen year old to her inspirations and what fuels her curiosity about Chicago Style Steppin’.