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Photo Credit: Michael Rhea

Every time that my friend Michael “Mike B” Bennett returns from a steppers event his photo review or editorial shows up in my Facebook feed and always captures my attention. He always seems to capture a little of everything that tells the full story of his weekend and with music. I love his nostalgic point of view. I did not make it to the 2017 Adult Steppers Spring Break (ASSB) last weekend as I planned, but I know he was there. I thought Mike B was the ideal person to give me the recap on ASSB and share his perspective on what went down last weekend in sunny Florida. I know it was fun.  I needed a hug all weekend as I saw and read everyone’s photo posts on Facebook.


Was this your first year at ASSB and why did you decide to go? 
[Mike B]: This was my first ASSB event. A good event to get acquainted with this group. I went because of the location and all the props it was given at the Detroit All White Party from fellow Steppers. Most of the people I had met and knew were asking me why I didn’t go, I didn’t have an answer at the time. Honestly, I didn’t know too much about the event. Being new to the steppin’ scene, I have been relying heavily on those who have been to a set before to tell me whether or not it is worth checking out and why.


Did you do any special preparations for the ASSB weekend? 
[Mike B]: No real preparations for this trip. Especially considering most were saying it is relaxed in terms of the attire, which was very attractive considering most sets are steppers sharp or color-coded (shades of blue, black and bling, red and black, etc…). I think people really open up and have a good time when they can dress as they please, a little more carefree.


What was your first reaction when you heard that 2017 would be the last year for ASSB? 
[Mike B]: First reaction, I had to go no matter what! A bit disappointed this was going to be the last year. At least I could say that I closed it out on the final year.


Did the hosts do anything special to celebrate the closeout of ASSB?  Did they tell of any updates or possibilities on future events? 
[Mike B]: Nothing special was done as far as I know to close it out for the final year. From what I hear, they may bring it back or alter the schedule to every other year to keep it going. I think the consensus from the Steppers while there is that they want to keep it going. I think the hosts accepted that challenge.


What was your most memorable moment of the weekend?
[Mike B]: There were a lot of memorable moments over the weekend.  A lot of great dancers in the room getting into a groove. A bountiful array of beautiful colorful brothers and sisters taking in the ambiance of Miami. Opportunities to mix and mingle with people from all over the country in a warm social setting. But the most memorable moment was witnessing my two travel companions take on the trio with Pete Frazier, they did an awesome job. Not so good on the first go around over the weekend, but they were in sync on this last dance. Fantastic!


Photo Credit: Michael Rhea

What made the weekend special for you? [Mike B]: For me, being able to connect with people is what makes these events special. You connect with a group of people, some of whom you have never met and break bread. Most people share their stories or journey with steppin’, which can be very entertaining. Often times you end up with a personal connection to that event and that makes the reunions special and fun.


What made the weekend unforgettable?  
[Mike B]: You know there is a big difference in hanging out at a set with friends on the Stepping scene in your city. When you travel and room with people, you really get to see the other side of the coin. And I must say that my travel companions made the weekend unforgettable. I had a great time and created a lot of fond memories!


Did you attend any of the workshops?  Learned anything new that we’ll see in your dance soon? 
[Mike B]: I think this is the first event or set where there wasn’t a workshop that I have attended. I think they realized over the years people want to hit the beach, the pool, dance and relax. I learn something new every time I go to a event to dance. And yes, you will definitely see it in my dance. I am a true believer in learning something new and driving it into muscle memory. Little nuggets of knowledge turn into lost memories if you don’t practice what you learned.


Photo Credit: Michael Rhea
How was it meeting your doppelganger Common?
[Mike B]: I thought this was going to be the highlight of the weekend. I had to make this happen. I walked into the room towards the end of the Meet and Greet. You could tell from his reaction when I walked towards the group photos being taken that he was taken back from the resemblance. It was a big disappointment when his management team said there was no time for anything else. This man has a busy career right? He walked right by us and told us to walk with him. He paused for a second and said, “I gotta get a photo with fam’.” There was no rush, he took his time, took photos and thanked us for being there. Simply put, his cool demeanor on screen plays true to life.
What did you wish there was more of or what could have made the weekend better?
[Mike B]: When it comes to dancing, the music is going to set the tone for any set. It was rather lackluster for the stage that was set in Miami. For example, if I know DJ Shorty Smooth, or DJ Samsonite is going to be on the ones and twos I know I’m getting my break during the line dancing or announcements. They won’t let you take a break if you love music, the mixes and a smooth flow with high energy. The only other thing that could have made the dancing a lot more enjoyable is having some cool air to pacify me on the wood. It was hot as hell up in there, but I was cool and casual If you didn’t have a towel, not a rag, but a towel to wipe your brow while on the wood, you were miserable. Not to mention an extra shirt half-way through the night.


Why does ASSB stand out from other stepper weekend events? 
[Mike B]: I think the number one reason is the location. You can’t go wrong with Miami, the beach, the eclectic restaurants and seafood is always a delight. There is always something you can break away and do in the city if you want to get away. The other thing that stands out is that you don’t have to dress up, come as you are so long as you are classy casual, nothing crazy. The schedule that they have set up gives you plenty of time to do your own thing and not feel like you are missing out on some good dancing.


In the photo recaps I have seen you do on Facebook of your event weekends, you often go off the beaten path and really explore the cities you visit.  Where did you go this time? 
[Mike B]: I didn’t go too far out this time, but it is a must that I venture out into the surrounding area. I think running around South Beach and West Palm Beach was about the extent of my adventure on this trip.  It has to be more than steppin’ for me to truly enjoy the trip.


What do you love about Miami? 
[Mike B]: What’s not to love about Miami?  The culture, the beach, the architecture, the charming landscape and people.  A photographer’s dreamscape.


Well, it looks like everyone had a fantastic time and I saw Dena Moore-Morrison’s announcement on Facebook 2017 earlier this week that they are in the middle of negotiations to possibly host the event again. Thank goodness because I have never been and would like to get a taste of all this. Thank you Mike B for your colorful and candid recap and your photos definitely still give that feeling of nostalgia that make me smile like I was right there.

Acknowledgments: Michael Bennett of Michael Rhea’s Photography, Website: