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  1. Great article, nice to see the list of contest winners and learn more about the history of the contest. Thanks for the information.

  2. How do I get off the 8 count? I head some vets say that they pick an instument and dance to the instument. I also see lots of toe, heel and sides. Getting of the Eight Count could be a best seller. Run it by Tony Dow, etc. as an idea for 2nd book. Also appreciate you consistent support of the stepping community. Ken.

  3. The WLSC is the Super Bowl. The fact that there are 3 contests on the same weekend in three different cities shows there is growth.
    This is doable because everyone cannot afford to travel but now you can support your local community if you want to compete.
    LC Henderson 😎

  4. It’s that unspoken word the hat you see and hear when two people who are NOT a couple rocking the floor like they are one 👌🏽because they’re having so much fun with the music.

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