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Contest season starts again in the Chicago steppin’ community. Although there are several contests in the community, to me “contest season” means getting ready for the World’s Largest Steppers Contest in September each year.  For contestants serious about winning and leaving a lasting impression with the judges and the crowd, there is much work to do and preparation between now and September. Now is already a late start for any contestant. Many contestants prepare for WLSC by entering other contests. One contest on the horizon and on steppers’ radar this year is in Gary, Indiana on Saturday, June 2. The 11th Annual Roland “Bo” Watson Red Steppers Affair is hosting its second stepping contest with cash and prizes. This year I heard about the contest in time to enter and heard a lot more steppers considering or looking for a partner to get in the contest.

Tony “Grown Folks” Stidman the contest promoter says, “This contest was designed for the following reasons:

  1. To allow steppers to showcase their skills
  2. To allow steppers to compete against other steppers of the same or like still level
  3. To allow new contestants to prepare for major competition in other steppin’ contests

I understand that the contest is open only to steppers that have not placed in WLSC. Still, some folks that have told me they are entering are no stranger to the WLSC stage and I know they will bring the heat. As a newer face to contests, I look forward to the challenge and also freak out inside at the same time that I am going up against some steppers that I’ve learned from.  Challenge accepted!!!  For this contest, I am partnering with Herb Ihenacho in Atlanta, Georgia. We are excited and ready! I hope to see old and new friends out to support and cheer on every contestant. I am anxious to see the full list of contestants published. Let’s GO!!