Quick thoughts on dance safety. As of today, the last time I stepped with someone was Sunday, March 8 at Hero’s in Chicago. I want to faint just thinking about how long it’s been since I have danced with someone or even held hands. COVID-19 has surely interrupted my monthly Chicago trips. I wonder what these five months will do to my dance because I am a strong believer in “if you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Practice, Practice, Practice
Despite not dancing with a partner, I practiced by myself in my heels in my kitchen. I was in front of a mirror many days. The mirror is nothing else like the coordination and symbiosis of dancing with someone and following a partner’s lead. The Majestic Gents Footwork Competition and the Quarantined Ladies Footwork groups on Facebook excited me for a while. I was all about the footwork. Being so focused on footwork solo might turn into something else when I dance with someone again. Hence, I made a conscious effort to spend 70 percent of my practice time doing different variations of the basic and doing it in place, and traveling with short, medium, and long strides. What have you been doing to stay “in step?”
Making It Back to the Mecca

I am ready to step. From what I have been reading on Facebook, a lot of steppers are waiting for 2021. I set July 2020 as my goal to pick up and start traveling again to Chicago, but the new F-word has changed the game – “furloughed.” Firstly, I was put on leave from work and now the company has folded due to bankruptcy. I have to be smart about my travel. Secondly, the uptick in positive cases for coronavirus cases in many places. I anticipate we are going to go back in quarantine. Thirdly, I wonder, if I show up in Chicago, where do I go?
Practicing Dance Safety
I’ve seen a few videos. Most have been birthday parties or private get-togethers of smaller groups. I saw nothing much for going to a public place or an actual set. I wonder if there are sets going on but hosts don’t go live to avoid any public criticism. Considering all of this, I think about traveling to Chicago again or any other city as a matter of fact. I admit that on my last two trips out of Virginia, my allergies were at their worst. In hindsight, I think I might have had “the rona.” I imagine too that more steppers now may dance with only a select few on the set. Do you think an out-of-towner will have a chance to dance with someone in your city while there is still apprehension and safety concerns about COVID-19?
What’s Gonna Happen in Steppin’ for the rest of 2020?
I am excited and looking forward to seeing everyone again. Certainly, I must be patient. I still want to dance. I’ve had a lot on my mind about the state of our steppin’ community:
- When will be the next World’s Largest Steppers Contest?
- If the next WLSC is not in 2020 will they skip the Masters?
- When will I see a packed set at the 50 again?
- Will all the steppers’ lounges in Chicago survive the coronavirus in 2020 and resurrect and sustain until 2021?
- Who is going to host the first masquerade-themed set with gloves and masks?
So many questions. I’ll seek out answers. Is anybody else wondering and concerned? Well, I am thinking about these things and that’s life for this stepper after months in quarantine. I enjoy staying in touch with all of my stepper friends by Facebook and by phone. Keep dancing, wear your mask and keep practicing. Let’s keep steppin’ alive and … what happened to all the at-home videos of everyone steppin’? I’ll post a video soon.