Cheryl “Sugarfoot” Powe on What Can Happen With the Right Mind, Right People, Right Vision.

Cheryl “Sugarfoot” Powe on What Can Happen With the Right Mind, Right People, Right Vision.

Reading Time: 7 minutes Cheryl “Sugarfoot” Powe is from Chicago. She resides in Atlanta now which she considers her second home and lived in Atlanta for 20 years. Several family members introduced Cheryl to steppin’ at a very young age – ~10 years old. They would turn on the music and say “Come dance with me.”

Recognize Steppers Business Opportunity In the Community
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Recognize Steppers Business Opportunity In the Community

Reading Time: 3 minutes I met Randall Avery on the steppin’ dance floor in Atlanta. He started steppin’ about 11 years ago and his first class was with Sarah Teagle at Several Dancers Core. Randall is a financial advisor and in our interview he recognizes the steppers’ economy and unveils opportunities for steppers.

2019 World’s Largest Steppers Contests (WLSC) Was Full of Surprises
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2019 World’s Largest Steppers Contests (WLSC) Was Full of Surprises

Reading Time: 3 minutes My fondest memories of any WLSC are usually the surprises. Any stepper in this contest should condition his or her mind to be flexible and stay relaxed and focused when faced with the unexpected. What were the surprises?