Donate to help Maiys Miracle research a cure for DIPG

Donate to help Maiys Miracle research a cure for DIPG

Reading Time: 2 minutes Help Maiy’s Miracle raise $20,000 to support DIPG Research. Proceeds benefit Lucille Packard Childrens Hospital to fund the Maiyanna Marie Antoinette Clemmon’s-McCarthy DIPG Research Student Scholarship. Maiy’s Miracle Fundraiser has made 84% of their goal. I am writing to every stepper to ask for a donation great or small.

WLSC Trivia
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Trivia About the World’s Largest Steppers Contest?

Reading Time: < 1 minute 2018 is the 28th anniversary of the World’s Largest Steppers Contest (WLSC).  There is a lot of history across twenty-eight years. How much do you know about the WLSC in the history of Chicago style steppin’? Here is the first WLSC trivia crossword puzzle to test your knowledge.  Good luck!

Steppers Are Just Going to Have to Make A Choice
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Steppers Are Just Going to Have to Make A Choice

Reading Time: 2 minutes At the announcement of the Black & Bling fire sale, I learned that I Love Steppin’ 11 Anniversary and the fifth Annual Black and Bling are scheduled for the same dates – April 25-28, 2019.  I approached Devin Smith about the conflict and our conversation ended with “Next year, steppers are just going to have to make a choice.”

Rene Ragland. Steppin’ Out Of Her City

Rene Ragland. Steppin’ Out Of Her City

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is always great to meet a new stepper that “really” enjoys traveling to step. My friends who don’t step still don’t understand what motivates steppers to go everywhere just to dance, so like-minded steppers make me appear not so infatuated. There are more than a few of us crazy travelers. Meet one of the steppin’ community’s most active, traveling, glamorous, fashionista ladies and find out where she is in her journey! Meet Rene!

What Is DIPG? Will You Dance 4 DIPG?

What Is DIPG? Will You Dance 4 DIPG?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I consider this one of LT8C’s most important posts. When I coined the slogan “love, live, step” a cause such as “Maiy’s Miracle” was at the heart of “love” and “live.” Steppin’ has helped and supported people in our communities by donating through dance. Today find out how you can help a worthy cause and “Dance for DIPG.”

Maurice Thomas Is “Not Your Fashion Icon”

Maurice Thomas Is “Not Your Fashion Icon”

Reading Time: < 1 minute First, I saw his hat. A couple of years ago I saw him in a tall red hat and oversized glasses at the Heritage Ball. Immediate thought? “Who is that?!!” I did not see his full ensemble until a break between songs and steppers broke away from the dance floor. Then, after traveling a lot more to different cities for weekend events I saw him more and more. A feature post on Maurice Thomas is a great close out to LT8C’s January focus on fashion in the Chicago Style Steppin’ community.

stepper Sonji Stewart

Understanding Threshold, Patterns, Synchronization in Stepping

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sometimes the struggle to teach and learn to step Chicago Style rests with the paradigms and cultural differences that shape how we look at what is right in front of us. Two people can look at the same video of two steppers dancing and see it differently – walking away with different perceptions.  Isn’t that the way it is with looking at any art? And, steppin’ Chicago style is an art.