In the Stepping community, you must collide with and appreciate Chicago Stepping history because it is everywhere. Our stepper sets are in places where some of us have danced for years. Our music spans over decades. People share stories about legends who have gone before us. We watch history in the making on the dance floor and on the contest stage.
“You have to understand the past to understand the present.“
- Stepping history is a kaleidoscope of many elements and factors which highlight, celebrate and honor African American culture, music, and heritage, fashion, and experiences.
- Its made up of the people, the places, the spirit of competition, the struggle for individuality, the verve of creativity, and natural evolution.
- They combine to describe an antagonistic love affair over time of passion, beauty, and free will. Learn the history of Stepping.
About The Roots of Chicago Stepping
What Makes Up Chicago Stepping History
In exploring Chicago stepping, the stories of the people form the thread in the tapestry of the dance’s experience and collective history. From those who laid the foundation for what we see on the dance floor today, Sam Chatman who coined the term “stepping” and the younger, bold generation who are shaping the course of this dance today. The stories of people in stepping and are as diverse as they are captivating and offer us a glimpse into the human spirit, reminding us of our shared heritage and our eternal quest for progress.
Stepping Clubs, Lounges, and Venues
The clubs, lounges, and dance halls where steppers would go are sentimental records of a stepping good time. These are places where husbands and wives meet, or where families and life-long friendships started. Conversations about the places and spaces steppers have been is a nostalgic walk down memory lane for any stepper, bopper, or walker. The list was rescued from Markie Bee’s (RIP) website, SteppersHistory.org and updated.
World’s Largest Steppers Competition
The World’s Largest Steppers Competition started in 1990 and is now hosted by the Majestic Gents led by Pete Frazier. More than three decades of winners, great moments on stage, and competition stories contribute to Steppers history and culture. The contest is in Chicago every year, bringing a roster of elite dancers from everywhere to the stage to compete for bragging rights, money, and trophies. It is one of the largest contests in our community with fashion fantastic. In its own way the WLSC can set the tone for the year ahead across the nationwide stepping community.
Fashion is one of the most prevalent ways of self-expression for steppers. In the stepping community, the combination of our dance and our look creates our persona. Just as many of us are known for our personal fashion sense as we are known for our dance. Fashion is a big part of the experience, and intentional party themes and colors keep us imagining and creative. Welcome to a space for exploring fashion and personal style in African American culture in many ways.
The Evolution and Different Styles
Time changes things, and the evolution of Chicago Stepping can elicit the most passion among us in the community. Earlier generations wanted to preserve their identity and ancestry in the dance and did not want to be forgotten or for Stepping to become something they did not recognize. The new generation is energetic with new ideas, new music, and zest to spread the love of Stepping to everyone, everywhere. Those in between feel responsible for bridging the gap between the preservation of the old and embracing the new.
History Is About the People

History means different things to different people, so we welcome your ideas. Can you think of someone that we should interview? Please submit the form with your ideas and suggestions.
Historical Debates in Chicago Stepping
You may hear different versions of the same stories from boppers and steppers who grew up in the era of the birth of this dance. Variation in the stories AND the dance style is an unrelenting part of this culture. We constantly debate how stepping started, what it is now, and where the dance is going.
Instruction | The Count and Not to Count
From learning without a count to learning with a count to allow the dance to be more easily taught outside of Chicago. Today many people teach stepping using the 8 or 6 count. Casper shares on the evolution of instruction.
Contest Evolution | Breaking the Rules
In 1990, Lil Alfred, one of the greatest steppers that lived, put one leg up in the air and spun on the other leg in the World’s Largest Contest. He and his partner, Jaanice Robertson, tied with another couple for first place. This upset led to a dance off and was a moment marked in history. Watch the full story.
Recognition of Community Historians, Contributors
Thank you to the partners and publications in the Chicago Stepping community and who have supported livingthe8count since 2016 and recognize the value in what we do. We appreciate you and value your support and contributions to the stepping community. Without your work, the best part of most of our stories would go untold.
- A special thank you to photographers in the Chicago Stepping community who capture the magical moments and the people
- Several organizations/groups collect and record the history, stories, news, and information about Chicago Stepping to celebrate and commemorate the culture of this dance.
- Several social influencers to thank as well … To name a few – DJ Markey G, Fannie Pettis, Jackie Hodges, DJ Shorty Smooth, LC Henderson, Cheryl Sussoms, Willie Bell, Delores King, and more.