Earlier this week, a newer stepper asked my opinion on whether or not they should enter the last chance prelims for the World’s Largest Steppers Contest for the very first time. He was considering waiting and entering in 2022 even after his instructor encouraged him and said he was ready this year. It was very important to him to give a great show and be at his best. I was shocked that he came to me for an opinion. I would always encourage someone to compete. WLSC is an excellent opportunity for steppers to showcase their talent on the big stage right in the heart of Chicago. I think the most important factor is self-confidence. The bigger question is for any stepper to ask him or herself, “Am I ready?”
Steppers have different opinions on stepping contests, and there are various reasons why people enter contests. Some people, even great dancers I know, never enter contests. Others don’t mind experienced steppers judging them to see where they stand in the community. I know steppers that compete for the fun and excitement of the experience. Others do it for the competitive nature and to leave a legacy to be remembered in Chicago Stepping.
What About Maybe 2022 WLSC
“Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.”
The young man believed he would be ready next year. He was nervous. His partner said this was so outside of something she would normally do. I said, “If you want me to give you a reason to wait until next year, I am the wrong person to ask.” The first time I competed in the WLSC in 2017, I decided to enter the contest on the day of the Milwaukee Steppers Contest. While in his class, Donnie Davis asked me if I ever thought of competing, and I said yes. He told me he knew the perfect partner for me. I did not think he meant to compete that year. Within the hour, Tshon the Gentleman met and danced with me in Donnie’s class. No more than two hours later, we drove to Milwaukee to do our preliminary. On that day, we decided we were ready and wanted the experience. I knew I did not want to be at WLSC watching other steppers compete while sitting in the audience, wishing I was on stage too. Take the right chances and make the most of your opportunities.

After an hour-long conversation with this gentleman and his potential partner, they walked away excited and thinking about entering the Beginner’s category this year. I am thrilled that they may compete as beginners, and I hope to see them at the Grand Ballroom today. The last chance for preliminaries in Chicago is today, August 4, at the Grand Ballroom hosted by The Majestic Gents. The Milwaukee Largest Steppers Contest, the very last chance for WLSC prelims, is on August 14 in Milwaukee, WI.
Sometimes, the Time is Now
“Take a chance. You never know how perfect something might turn out to be.”
What I am learning from everything going on in the world is that there won’t always be next year. In 2020, COVID took away a lot of opportunities for many people, including the WLSC. I am sure the couple I spoke with are not the only ones wondering whether or not they should enter the contest this year. If you are thinking about competing in the WLSC last chance prelims today, I say go for it. Any stepper, whoever thought about it, is ready and has a good partner, go ahead and take a chance. It’s exciting, nerve-wracking, challenging, requires effort and time, and fun. When you go to the big stage and see all that hard work pay off, I know you will be smiling. Just get on that stage and do your best. You may even win!
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Welcome! I am the writer Sonji Stewart. These are my travel stories about my Chicago Stepping experiences, traveling from city to city to dance. I hope my stories encourage you to join me in the adventure.
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