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  1. I agree. Thank you for your comment. I hope that we all understand and take the time to appreciate each other in this dance.

  2. Dancing has always for me been my “Happy” place. My place of laughter, jokin’ , great music, my place where I get to interact with men with no commitment (LOL). When I hear such comments from the mic…it disturbs my happiness. The responsibility of a DJ is very weighty. I hope your article will place insight, and they will choose their words wisely. Your article was good reading!

  3. Another great blog post. (I’m all caught up now! 😊) THANK YOU for all you do to provide insights and knowledge about this dance we love. I love reading about all the pioneers and influencers. Steppin is about the dance AND the culture. Thx for being one of the cultural “sherpas” and providing a platform for spreading history, knowledge and information to the steppin community. ❤️

  4. SONJI!!! OMG!!! Perhaps you didn’t know that I am a great big punk. You brought a tear to my eye with your sweet praise. You make it easy to smile. I absolutely love when I see your face in the place. Thank you my sister, thank you.

  5. Hi Gale, Thank you for reading and for your comment. I have been to NC a few times for sets and still have a great time there but there is absolutely no substitute for the flavor and music I experience when I go to Chicago and absorb the richness and roots of steppin’ culture and community.

  6. Ms. Stewart, I really really enjoyed reading this article and your insight into the responsibilities and gifts of exceptional DJ’s. I’m new to Steppin, still in my Steppin infancy but I do understand that the DJ sets the tone for our Steppin Evening. I live in SC, just outside of Charlotte,NC and I don’t have the opportunity to listen to a Real Chicago Steppin DJ until I get home to Chicago. Thank you so much for the article, much 💕 💯

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