Spotlight on Women’s History Month. Leading Women In My Stepping Journey
Continuing our highlight for Women’s History Month, here are five women who show me what the work has to be now and what the road ahead can be when we don’t quit. They are constant reminders that even when it is not easy, you must keep going. And even when opportunities may be tempting, don’t get lost in the shuffle or lose your identity in a crisis. These women challenge the status quo, sometimes leading in efforts and places where women are rarely seen, but the work they have done leaves a lasting impression and contributes to our livelihood, self-actualization and enjoyment of Chicago Stepping. We celebrate you for Women’s History Month!

Delores King
Delores King is the founder of organization, NFP Livin’ Through the Lenz. The inspiration for this organization came through the lessons she learned in her fight with breast cancer and her love for photography. Livin’ Through the Lenz NFP exists to bridge the gap in cancer outcomes that disproportionately affect black and brown women through photo-based therapy.
My blog interview with Delores was one of the most challenging. It was emotional, empathetic, and encouraging. I admire Delores for the passion for her work. Despite what else may be happening, she shows up for the community at several sets to capture steppers and memories that help to record the history of Chicago Stepping and the people who love and enjoy it. There is passion in her photography.
The lesson: There is a fight in every plight and most likely the fight is for something much bigger than one person or a single thing.

Jessie “Dimples” Bickham
“I see you, but I want you to move around that floor without crossing your feet. Everybody else is doing that. And Herb, where are you ’cause I only see her.” When Dimples said that, I understood that in any contest that’s what you must do – stand out and be different. Every time I see her dance, that’s all I see – different. Dimples shows out and laughs with anyone she dances with and just wait for it – she will take the lead. There has been no better contest coach for me and her advice to me in Stepping has gone way beyond the contest dance floor.
You can stand out just by being yourself. Doing what everyone else does is the recipe for blending in and going unnoticed. So what if you don’t look or act like what society expects? Dimples was the winner of the first World’s Largest Steppers Contest with partner Marzette Griffith! You have not seen a performance like hers until you watch Dimples dance – anywhere! Unconventional, carefree, and commanding.
The lesson: People will remember when you do you, so never be afraid to do YOU.

Charlsie Hylick
Over time, I have watched Charlsie Hylick building an empire and she’s bringing people along with her as it grows. She creates opportunity and jobs for the people in her community. Every time I read a post about something new it makes me take stock of where I am and what I am doing for myself and others. Her social feed looks like this:
- July 2021 – Shields Security Consulting Firm Needs You! Looking to hire 230 Security Enforcement Officers Unarmed/Armed. The pay is $25 to $30/ hour depending on experience and if carry a City/Cook badge.
- January 2022 – My Company, Crystal Clear Charters, is now in Miami, FL
- August 2022 – New Developed 48 units plus commercial space!!!!
Charlsie Hylick shows me that a woman can do anything she puts her mind to and we are here to serve the people around us. Her leadership and opportunity mindset makes her a leader to watch. And on the dancefloor she captivates her audience. In so many ways, she is someone to admire because she lives with intention, does not stop, and is a great dancer – doing it all gracefully.
The lesson: Build an empire, but build it for the people and they will work to expand it.

Cheryl Sugarfoot Powe
It’s not often that people want to work together in large groups, but when you get the right people, and create the right vision, it’s motivating and unstoppable. Cheryl Powe is the grand dame of stepper event experiences and customer service. She makes it looks easy but year after year she continues to raise the bar, challenge the status quo, and please the steppers who are her customers.
She is willing to try new things, collaborate and invent. Leadership takes creativity, imagination, and group thinking. I salute Cheryl Powe for her leadership and stick-to-it-tiveness in the Stepping Community and what she brings to keep our heritage and energy felt in the Atlanta community. The Heritage Ball revival was outstanding.
The lesson: Sometimes a woman has to show us how it’s to be done.

Sheila Watkins
I remember her dancing in red, patent, leather thigh high boots at Stepaganza some years ago. She was calm, cool, collected, and everybody was watching. I said, “Who is that?!” Grown Ass Woman, “Sheila Watkins.” I remember in my private with her, Sheila said, “Slow down, why are you bringing all that out the gate? Give them a little. Tease them. If you give it all up front at once, what do you have left to give?” She was talking about my footwork, but I believe everything in your dance translates to things you actually do in life and may tell a lot about who you are.
I have never forgotten the lesson and our private because she shared nuggets straight with no filter of what “being grown” means to her. Women can make very wrong decisions, in haste. Take your time and command respect. Your dance will get better for it. I remember walking away from that private feeling Old School in my feet, heart, and hands and it changed the power of my dance.
The lesson: You don’t have to be loud and busy for people to pay attention. Be calm and great at what you do. Remember, something old can be something new.
Thank you to these women for their leadership and self confidence. These women are shining, leading examples for our community and show every stepper the power of a woman and our importance in the development and preservation of Chicago Stepping. We celebrate them!
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I saw stepping for the first time in Virginia and fell in love with the dance. I started traveling in 2012 and fell in love with the people, culture, and experience. Chicago stepping has taken me across the nation chasing its truths. I enjoy the chase. It has stirred my soul and healed me. These are my travel stories about Stepping.

- Explore the culture
- Enjoy the music
- Meet people
- Chase the experience
- Travel and learn