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This week has been a really tough one in the steppin’ community in Atlanta, Chicago and Detroit especially. Two beautiful souls have transitioned to dance in another place, steppers, Jannice, and Ronda. I admired and respected both women because they had no-nonsense attitudes and kind hearts. It is rare to find that combination in many people. I want to extend my condolences to the families and all the friends of Jannice Robertson and Ronda Burnett.

Fond Moments of Jannice

Stepper Jannice Robertson

Heritage Ball with Ed Donaldson.

One year, in the All-Star Game at the GDI Heritage Ball, Jannice and Ed danced together and Ed flipped up his shirt to show off his chest and belly and, in kind response, Jannice did too! I remember, her wild gesture revealed a white bra with precisely placed huge black polka dots. I have no photos but it is a candid capture in my mind that had me rolling.

Stepaganza “I think” with Sherry Gordon.

It was a major event and I want to say it was in St. Louis. Jannice had the honor of presenting a legends jacket to Sherry. She took over the mic and made the most ostentatious, loud, proud introduction and presentation to Sherry, about Sherry for as long as she wanted. Whoever gave her the mic got it back only when Jannice was done and I think Jannice took it back again to add on some extra things she needed to say about Sherry.

Jannice’s Birthday at The 50.

This year, by chance I was in Chicago on the weekend of Jannice’s birthday and it was packed at The 50. It was a takeover like I’d never seen before and I’d never seen so many people in The 50. People kept pouring in and we stood shoulder to shoulder with a full dance floor and standing room only. When she made her grand entrance and the music stopped for her to speak, she had everyone’s attention. She hugged me like a long-time friend as I said happy birthday and that felt good. She was surely loved by many.

Telling It Like It Is

You know a good friend when they have no hesitation to call you out on your nonsense in the public. When Jannice checked Tyk on Facebook about his comments, I thought “she is a golden friend” – no other like her. People listened and paid attention. In all the posts in that fracas, hers was the only post “I saw” Shawn Bandy comment on and then talks happened, things got deleted and public display changed. I am going to miss her peace making.

A Phone Call From Jannice

When the phone rang in Messenger and I saw who was calling, I thought, “Ohhhhh shit, what did I write this week in the blog.” I never spoke to Jannice before … until that call. We talked for almost 3 hours like we’d known each other forever until both our phones died and it was all love. I learned a lot about Jannice that day. I completely understand and know why she is a good mentor.

Remembering Ronda

When I visited Atlanta frequently, Ronnie B and Ronda helped to pull a lot out of me in this dance. I met a husband and wife dedicated to my growth and not for personal glory. What a win in itself! I got to know Ronda some and she taught me some things to tighten up what I knew. She talked to me at times to just see how I was doing, and to encourage me when I sounded or felt a little downtrodden about my results. I will not forget her or her attention. For anyone who did not see Ronnie B’s FB post:

Stepper Ronda

The official home going Memorial for this Beautiful lady will be,( January 4th at 11:30 am) @ Father’s house Church 33 NW 144 Circle, Edmond, OK, 73013

When I said in the special print edition that I wanted to start writing more about and celebrating the women in the stepping community this isn’t how I wanted to start that mission. Maybe this post will help me get to a better place and express how I feel about all that has happened in just one week. I have to remember that in all things God has a plan. The community will surely miss the smiles and dances of steppers Jannice and Ronda.