For 2021, the WLSC Beginners Contestants seem excited and ready. Ready to take the stage and ready to take it to the bank. I enjoyed putting this together and learning about these steppers’ journey so far in this dance. Here is a brief introduction to the Beginners’ contestants before they get to the big stage. Questions asked were: (1) How long have you been stepping? (2) What inspired you to enter the World’s Largest? and (3) What do you think you will be doing the day of the contest before the contest? Thank you to each of you for participating and sharing. Go out on that stage and make it your best performance. Meet our Beginners Contestants.
Brian and Cynthia from Chicago, IL

Brian Archibald has been dancing since January 2021. Shaun Ballentine taught him his eight count. His instructor now is Charnice Simmons. I went to WLSC 2019 and watched the contestants dancing. It was amazing. I wondered if I could do this. The 2019 contest inspired me to do something that I have never done before. On the day of the contest, I’ll eat a balanced breakfast and lunch. Lay down, be calm, stay cool and collected. Two hours before the contest I am going to get up and practice by myself before heading out to Tinley Park.
Cynthia Colquitt has been stepping for two years. Her contest instructor is Charnice Simmons and Jonathan Green has been her personal instructor. I entered the World’s Largest Steppers Contest because Brian asked me to. After conversation and dancing at DuSable park, Ed Cowans and Sonji Stewart cheered us on. On the day of the contest, I am going to wake up, exercise, and do my stretching. Then I will be getting my makeup done.
Gary and Tonya

Gary Hunter and Tonya McLauchlin both started stepping Chicago-style about a year ago when they started teaching themselves by watching YouTube videos. “We were advised never to do that if you can avoid it, but there were no real Chicago Steppin lessons online. Thank you “Doc” for fixing it and getting us to real Chicago Steppin. Tony “Yo Boy TA” Adway inspired us (with the help of Gucci) to enter. Before the contest, we will thank the people who spent time helping us get ready. Kevin “Doc” Dockery explained A LOT of things that we did not know and introduced us to the tailor, Lassana, who made our outfits for WLSC. TA continuously gave good advice and named us “Mile High.” TA connected us with a bunch of folks. Most importantly Sabrina Spears, and Shawn & Fess James. They taught us how to be free when dancing, and to really dance as a couple.
Lady Margret Fisher, Sabrina Spears, and Vee, also taught us and most importantly, strongly recommend Donnie “The Original Dance Master” Davis and Gigi. Attending his class helped to really smooth out and slow down our dance. We are honored to know Donnie and Gigi, spend time with them, and now call them family. Our favorite Stepping DJs: Myron “The R”, Sam Chatman, and Shorty Smooth all contributed to our dance and gave us great music to dance to. Others who helped us include Bruce and Pat Dyer, Charnice Simmons, Darryl Hickman, and Leonetta, Donald L. Gardner III, Katura KT Green, Peaches, Rahameen, Shelly Holder, Sherry Gordon, Slim, Sue McDaniel, Tabitha, Tim McGary, Vicki Henning and Nik Nik (who has passed on). We want to thank the dancers who wish us well, and our family and friends who don’t dance but still support our endeavors. If we missed anyone’s name charge it to our minds and not to our hearts. On the day of the contest we will pray; and then, we will “Go To Work…”
Jerry from San Diego, CA and Georgia from Pomona, CA

Jerry Dunham has been stepping for 2 years and a couple of months. My contest coach and instructor is Tick Man. Competing is something I was interested in from the beginning. I was blessed to meet the right people at the right time to help me on this journey. On the day of the contest, hopefully, I will be dancing. Jerry’s contest partner is Georgia Jones.

Georgia Jones has been stepping for three and a half years and was introduced to Chicago Stepping by a friend. She has been stepping for about three and a half years, but at least a year of that time was impacted by COVID. Georgia says, “I decided to do the World’s Largest Steppers Contest so I can display my love for the dance as well as the culture, and to showcase all the hard work and effort that’s gone into my development in the dance. On the day of the contest, I plan to be at the spa getting a massage and a silk body wrap and eating something really good hopefully some plantains.
Marc and Rose from Detroit, MI

Marc Brewer started stepping at the beginning of this year, February 2021 – almost seven months now. Rose Turuka has been stepping for four months. Sherry Gordon is their instructor. Marc finds that competitions are a “focusing factor”. “They can aid people in staying consistent with practice, authenticity, development, and goal setting. Entering the contest is a great way for us to be fully immersed in the authentic form of the dance and culture even from our beginner levels.” For Rose, the best way to learn and immerse herself in the dance and its culture is to have consistent practice with a goal in mind, and the goal now is WLSC. “
We decided to enter WLSC to test what we know so far and how we can better improve our dance!
Marc and Rose
On the day of the contest, we will be taking it all in; reflecting on our journey, while observing and learning from the masters in the dance, then getting in a bit of dancing ourselves. We’ll be practicing and calming each other down! At the end of the day, the only people we are competing with really, our ourselves. We just want to make sure we go out and do OUR best, given the short period of time we’ve been stepping.
Muhammad and Debra from Los Angeles, California

Muhammad Donald started as a Ballroom dancer. He has been steppin for approximately 2 years – 1 year before the Pandemic and 1 year during up to now. My Teachers have been the Whole Steppin dancing community consisting of many instructors Sky Hall, Sam & Laneia Parker, Leon & Tonya, Steppin B, Angela Porter, Tick Man, Garry Fields & Barry, I was inspired to enter the WLSC by the coercion of Sam and Coach and another student, Dennis Moore, who insisted that I sign up.
Debra Goode has been stepping altogether for about two years with some starts and stops. She didn’t have a contest coach but took classes with Sam and Lanea, Tom and Leon collectively as Phamily Steppers. That is where I took most of my classes. I have taken other classes here and there with other people. Muhammad told me at the prelims that he was contemplating entering the contest. We already have been dancing together for four years because I also do urban ballroom, bop, salsa, and linedance. I just love to dance. When he asked me we were already familiar with each other and so I said “Yes, let’s do it!”
“I won’t be able to participate in WLSC 2021 but inshallah maybe another. You see, I’ve had a hard year. I lost my brother in January 2021, only to lose my Father in June 2021. Stepping has saved me with the best therapy, and my Father’s remains are in Nigeria where I must go to give him his greatest going away as a Yoruba Priest. I can not truly enjoy myself knowing my true priorities.
Sam from Cleveland, OH and Jamie from Detroit, MI

Sam Long started stepping in October of 2018. I don’t have an exclusive hands-on One on One instructor. There have been multiple influential steppers that have guided and corrected me up to this point. A perfect example of it takes a village. Well, I couldn’t dance to save my life. I always wanted to grab a woman and slow dance with her but I didn’t know how to. Then once I saw the entire culture of steppin. The people, the clothes, the parties, the travel, and the music. That gave me confidence. So I said to myself hey give it a shot and have fun with it. I will be practicing, resting, and relaxing.

Jamie Anderson has been stepping for 1 year and a few months. Her instructor and coach for the contest are Ed and Carlos and various other people from Detroit. Her friends inspired her to enter the contest. “Plus, I feel like it’s a step that will help me get over being shy.” On the day of I will be preparing myself for the contest and the day before I’ll be practicing.
Here is the list of all 2021 WLSC Contestants for the available contest categories. I wish for your best performance on stage for all contestants.
I’ve talked to more than one contestant in the WLSC who has asked, “Do you think it would be a problem if I wear a mask for COVID purposes on stage?” I hope Pete Frazier and the judges discuss and address this with contestants at the contest briefing or even before the day of the contest. What do you think?
What is your opinion? Take the poll.
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Very informative!