When she ran into one of her customers in Chicago, Laura was so happy to see, hug, and tell her customer thank you personally. She says, “I appreciate the steppers that have supported me. Without a doubt.” Laura Speight Manning is a stepper in Atlanta emerging from the pandemic with a new attitude, new products, and her own business – LA’MOSS. “I am so grateful to have been exposed to stepping and it’s exposed me to some wonderful people.” The Chicago stepping community is a melting pot of dynamic thinkers, determined doers, and opportunities for people like Laura. When she saw a business opportunity, Laura acted on it. Here is her story of turning a new passion into a purpose.
How were you affected by the pandemic?
I worked in corporate America, for a major payroll company for 22 years, and I was laid off in May 2020. Prior to being laid off, I kind of dabbled a little bit with sea moss because I had embarked on a health and fitness journey. I started buying sea moss from a young lady. In using it I found it was beneficial. I said I can make this myself. It’s cheaper.
I had a severance so I had some time while I was still getting a check to see if I could start a business. I’ve never had a business before, and so I started. I knew nothing about running a business and I thought it would have lasted about three or four months, but I figured I would learn the business of running a business. By the time I was done kind of dabbling around with it, the big idea came along.
How did LA’MOSS get started?

I started with sea moss from the Caribbean Sea – a seaweed we can wash and do different things to. I got the idea to infuse it with elderberry. I learned to make elderberry syrup, and then I started researching and found that people were infusing it with different fruits. So, I tried infusing it with apple cinnamon, and then I did turmeric and ginger. It snowballed into different flavors. Along with sea moss, I do elderberry syrup and elderberry gummies. That was the basis of LA’MOSS. After a little bit of time, I was like, “Wow, I have a real business here!” And, it was my daughter who came up with the name LA’MOSS.
You also launched recently, Mama’s Honey. Tell us about it.

I started dabbling around and using honey. I got the idea about elderberry-infused honey from a girlfriend in Vegas. I could only find this honey at a flea market somewhere, and it was rather expensive. I did some research to make my own and created my first prototype of elderberry-infused honey, and then I made hibiscus-infused honey. I sold eight jars at a pop-up shop within maybe an hour. Now I realized I needed to be able to mass-produce it. I did a tea tasting with my daughter and girlfriends as I was considering launching a brand of teas as well. At the tea tasting when my daughter pointed to my honey and asked, “What’s this?” I replied, “That’s momma’s honey.” They all said, “You should call that Momma’s Honey.” My brand was born and it’s official.
What are some of your top-selling products?
Without a doubt, sea moss because of the benefits. We’re in the middle of a pandemic and people are doing everything they can to stay healthy. One of the principal benefits of sea moss is that it boosts your immune system. It’s a super vitamin. Of the 102 minerals that exist, sea moss has 92. I think as long as the coronavirus is around, sea moss will remain my top seller.
What are the health benefits for some of your products?
I try, especially with the sea moss jelled flavors to make sure there’s a medicinal purpose attached to it. I’m producing not just for the flavor. I explain on my website, lamossatl.com. Honey is good for wound care and is anti-bacterial. Ginger is good for the digestive system. Elderberry is good for congestion and sinus pressure. To make sure that my products have some type of health benefit, I do the research.
I saw your video testimony on having COVID. I am glad you are well. Is that experience a testimony for your brand?
Well, I think my products helped me. Certainly, I stay true to my brand. I take sea moss every day, and I take elderberry when I use Momma’s Honey. Working out four to five times a day can be very strenuous, and sea moss helps with my muscle recovery. The day before I found out I had COVID I had been running 50-60 yard sprints, but I knew my breathing was a little funny. I do believe because of the nutritional regimen I already had in place, my system was fortified enough that I was still able to work and function well until I found that I was positive.
Once I tested positive, I started taking sea moss twice daily instead of taking it once a day. Taking elderberry twice a day and other things. I worked at keeping my Immune system up and that kept my strength up. Although I had quite a few of the symptoms, it didn’t hit me really, really hard. I was very, very tired, but my symptoms were not as bad as they could have been. Yeah, it’s COVID. It was a lot to deal with, but I took comfort in knowing and trusting my products. I was giving myself the best chance that I could have in a good recovery. And, I did well.
Why are health and wellness so important to you for you to create and build a brand around it?
For me personally, I embarked on a radical weight loss journey. It was important for me to be healthy. Both of my parents were stricken with Parkinson’s disease. I knew that if anything happened to me, I would not stand a chance if I was overweight and sick. I’ve lost 70 pounds over the last three years. Health and wellness are number one for me. It is important that I be here for my children and my grandchildren. We talk about living our best life and for me, my best life starts with my health – getting up, moving my body, and eating right. Not only that but taking the right supplements, getting rest, and drinking water. This is truly a lifestyle change. You can’t just take something for two weeks and expect to be healthy. You truly have to commit to yourself if that’s what you want.
Who is your target market?
I market to anybody who is thinking about their health, who is already committed to their health and welfare. Steppers seem to be my demographic because on my social media platforms steppers make up most of my audience. Anybody who feels that they want to get healthy, be healthy, stay healthy, start on a healthy road, stay on a healthy road is a part of my target market. I market to any and everyone. There is no specific age. I love my stuff, and I love my stuff in the stepping community.
Why do you think health and wellness should be important in the Chicago stepping community?
The stepping community is an older community. Dancing is rigorous. We’re dancing in heels and sometimes dancing on concrete. You have to give your body time to recover and do the right thing so you can still dance and still enjoy it. My dance is so different now than when I was 70 pounds heavier. I truly am able to enjoy the dance. So, I’m putting in maximum effort and I’m getting maximum results. And I think that’s that.
I am blown away at how the older legends move and I am amazed at their agility and energy. But then, I wonder who has to go home and soak their feet? Who is rubbing down with Ben Gay? Who has to use that asthma pump? Just think about times especially when we steppers have those no sleep weekends. Stepping looks and can feel great, but what about the recovery? You have to recover so you can continue dancing.
Find and buy LA’MOSS products and Momma’s Honey
- Facebook: La’Moss. Health & Wellness Website
- Instagram: la.moss.seamoss
- Website: www.lamossatl.com
In the Atlanta Area:
- Black Dot Cultural Bookstore – Coffee Bar – 6984 Main St, Lithonia, GA 30058
Momma’s Honey is also available in Savor box charcuterie boxes.

Laura’s Words for Steppers

I would encourage anybody to reach and to stretch themselves. If it’s a dream to start a business, do it. If you know a desire to start something on your own, now is the time. The atmosphere is right to start a business and create something of your own. Do your research of course, stretch yourself and get out there. I literally created something from nothing. Knowing nothing about running a business and now I can say that I’m really proud of myself, that I that I’ve gotten this far. If you have a passion, swing for the fences. You would be surprised at what you can create out of absolutely nothing.
Laura Speight Manning
Thank you Laura for sharing an inspirational story, and steppers let’s remember to take care of ourselves as we dance!