Historical WGN Chicago Stepping TV Shoot at the Fifty Yard Line
I pulled up to the Fifty Yard Line at 10:30 a.m. for the WGN TV shoot in Chicago.. This production was for a feature on the nostalgia of Chicago Stepping for Larry Potash, Anchor for the WGN Morning News. This showcase would be a highlight on his history show Backstory. The instructions for participating couples was to be well-dressed. I expected to see some of the best steppers in our community show up for this feature. Pete and Linda Frazier coordinated the event and were ready and waiting. I remember seeing some popular faces in the room – Andre Blackwell, Lady Margaret, Rich Jackson, Pat Clay, and Buford Finley, to name a few. I had on my dress and high heels. I was missing one important thing for this opportunity.
The Turn Out in Chicago
It was difficult for me to coordinate with someone in Chicago to show up at 11 a.m. in the middle of the morning to be my partner. I decided to show up and hope to fill in where I was needed. As luck would have it, Choc James was in town and he is one of my favorite people to dance with. Choc said he was willing to switch between partners to give me a chance to be in the filming. I warmed up with a couple of dances with Choc and other men at the set. The ladies were all so beautiful. Their shoes sparkled and every curl was in place for the perfect hair.

The Interview
I met Larry Potash and the film crew. I also reconnected with Malcolm Thomas who was taking some behind the scenes photography for Pete Frazier. Larry Potash interviewed Pete and Linda Frazier about the dance and its origins. We were supposed to be “quiet on the set” but I could not hear one word of the interview. That’s okay because watching it when the feature comes on will leave something new for me to listen to.

The Music
To make this all happen, we must have great music and DJ Myron was on the box. I have never seen Myron operate in such a tight space. You know he moves around a lot, but I know nothing will stop his music. We started off with some walking. And then, I realized, sitting at the table right next to me, was Buford Finley. I had never seen him in person before.
Starting with Walking
When Myron announced we were starting off with walking, I did not move from my seat. The music started and the couples moved around the floor. I was quite content sitting during this segment, but Pete Frazier, gave a signal and a word, and I was on the dancefloor walking with everyone else. After two songs, the music changed and I was back in my comfort zone – stepping. I danced for a couple of songs and then switched out for Choc to dance with someone else. I enjoyed the dances and I had a good time.
When Will the Episode Air
After the WGN TV shoot, we danced a while longer and we probably ended things at about two. I had a chance to dance with Pete Frazier for the first time. He gave me a variation of the roll out roll back move I have not yet mastered. I’m working on it, but I enjoyed my dance. This extended lunch on a Wednesday was a great opportunity for me and other steppers. This day has been one of my best experiences at a TV or documentary shoot in Chicago. I hope there is another one soon. The episode for this feature is to air on Sunday on WGN TV. I am watching the schedule to see when it comes on. Let’s go to work steppers!