The past weekend was a reminder that I can have a steppin’ good time without getting on a plane. I drove to the DC area and had an absolute ball – truly “living the 8 count” in many ways. This experience changed my dance and outlook on some things, and I have to thank some key folks I met on the weekend for adjusting my perspective. However, for sure, I will still be on a plane to fly somewhere soon.
Friday night I went to the Elks Lodge in Temple Hills, Maryland for a holiday party for hand dancers and steppers. I paid half at the door. Thank you! I wasn’t too sure if I would dance much. I thought it would be a hand dance takeover DC style, but I stepped all night long. First five minutes in, I officially met Tony Dow, who came all the way from L.A. We danced. Amazing! Then, all of a sudden I am dancing in rotation with multiple men. I was thinking whaaaat?!!! I am having a “Sunshine Haywood” moment. Go me! It was fun.
If you ever have a chance to spend time with the master steppers – do so! I had my private with Tony Dow and he gave me advice that helped on the spot to correct my balance problems which I have been in despair about due to my twisted spine. But now, I have answers, not excuses. I tightened up my basic – yes I always work on the foundation. Then over food, good times and conversation, I listened to Tony and Kathleen “Kathy” Wiggins (The Queen Host) reminisce, dance and talk about the songs and music that moved them over the years. I learned about the culture, Chicago, and their memories on and off the dance floor. Kathy and Tony are hilarious and I laughed so much. This experience was magical and impossible to repeat. And I am going to leave this right here for Al Bowmen, “Who is Robert Taylor?”
When good, kind folk come together, provide a feast, bring a great deejay like DJ Shorty Smooth, and create a welcoming, friendly atmosphere this is my “stepper heaven.” Thank you Sandra Mason for this wonderful night in the DMV. I danced with steppers from the DMV and out of town as far as Kentucky – Antonio Rollerson. I even saw folks from the Carolinas – Lady Jack and Jewell Booth. Harmony McCray and Al Bowmen – you both did so much even with just words to get me gee’d up for this weekend. I also met Cami, the fourteen year old “legend in the making” who also has her own steppers blog on Facebook. She did a brief showcase too for everyone there. Go Cami! Saturday night was major.
On Sunday I returned to Virginia but went straight to the NYCE Entertainment 2016 Holiday Celebration in Newport News and hit the dance floor. It is an awesome feeling when others let me know that the writing I enjoy with my blog is important to someone else. Thank you Damon Rose and NYCE Entertainment staff for the recognition and appreciation. This is my first award for livingthe8count and I am proud of it. I closed out the night steppin’ and testing out my new techniques with my local steppers. I am showing off now, but why shouldn’t I?
Thank you Charles. I hope you keep reading.
charles sailor
hi sonji first time reading your blob and I must say found it very interesting , yes that sounds like a very rewarding experience you had.Like to read more of your stuff. charles
Thanks Carey!
Yeah, why shouldn’t you? Thanks for a marvelous article Sonji.