On St. Patrick’s Day I ended up going to the Fifty Yard Line Sports Bar. It was my first time at the Fifty on a Monday grooving and steppin’ to the old school music of the legendary DJ Sam Chatman.
Just two days before I was at the Fifty for Jannice‘s birthday and the place was packed wall to wall. I had never seen so many people in the Fifty. We could hardly move but we found the space to dance. Everyone was happy and excited to celebrate Jannice. I felt good energy and lots of love in the room. There were many people I knew by name and I got many hugs.
The Old School Atmosphere
On Monday, the atmosphere was different. The mood was relaxed, cool, yet still good vibes. It was close to feeling like East of the Ryan transplanted to 75th Street. When I walked in and felt what was going on I immediately reminded myself, “Sonji, If someone gives you a turn, turn one time and one time only.“
I did not know the names of most of the people present. I knew DJ Sam Chatman and seen some of this older crowd in different places in Chicago, but did not know many names. Ms. Vee my favorite bartender was not at the bar. The crowd was older and dressed clean. No one wore flashy zoot suits. The men were still well put together in nice sweaters, cleanly shaven, and donned beautiful coats. I saw a few diamond pinky rings. The women wore mostly black and dark colors and were nicely made up and bejeweled. Some wore leather and boots with heels. Everyone was beautiful.
I felt self-conscious and a little out of place in my fatigue pants. Then I saw Keith Wesley. “It’s good to see you here on a Monday. This right here is the heart and soul of steppin’ in Chicago,” he said.
DJ Sam Chatman’s Old School Flavor

I love DJ Sam Chatman. On St. Patrick’s Day his old school musical selections were different to me. He played a mix of songs I didn’t hear often and then some of my favorite old school songs kept my soul, warm, light and delighted. I shazaamed a few: Stoned Soul Picnic – 5th Dimension, Just Don’t Want to Be Lonely-Regina Belle, Is This For Real – O’Bryan. Love Hangover – Diana Ross. This was an old school vibe in every way. I sat for some time and that was okay. I wanted to watch. Unexpectedly, I realized some steppers doing what Tyk showed me to be real high steppin’. Why didn’t I ever notice that before? I stared at many couples for a while watching steppin’ and boppin’…
I Love My Old School Steppers and Boppers
Everyone seemed low key and unwinded. There was an energy of reverence and respect among the men and women in the room. Everyone was having a good time, dancing to music, relaxed, smiling and at peace – kool kats. This was different and I loved everything about this scene. I forgot and did a double turn once. He whispered, “I only gave you one turn.” and we smiled at each other. I felt that every man I danced with made the dance about me, the woman. For every dance I got 2-3 songs. The women smiled. I fought to keep my cool when I saw some watch my feet.
I don’t want to forget about this day and I don’t think I will. Thank you DJ Sam Chatman for your good music and for setting a different mood and tone. Days like this are why I fell in love with steppin’. Thank you Chicago for a good time and good vibes. I have to include more Mondays at The Fifty as a part of my trips to Chicago.
Herman Gibson
Good update.