2020 changed the lives of many people including Feo Duncan with FitWitFeo. Historians should recognize and record 2020 as not only the year of a major health crisis but as a year of cleverness and imagination. When it seemed that the world was shutting down, many people became more resourceful and learned to do things for themselves. “With necessity, comes invention!” Some steppers recognized a need and found their opportunity, and others found a way to wholeheartedly embrace their passions. This week, I’m sharing the experiences of steppers who “made it do what it do.” Their passions became a purpose to help others live better lives. First, let’s find out more about one man who used a major change to propel him.

Feo Duncan
Feo has been stepping Chicago-style for 17 years and lives in Flint, Michigan. Many steppers know him for the legacy he has created as a competitor and winner in stepping contests like the World’s Largest Steppers Contest. We also know Feo for his passion for fitness and health as we have watched the physical change in his body. He has an indisputable drive to show us all that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Feo shares with us how he fell into his purpose with FitwitFeo and how the pandemic became a catalyst for him.
What inspired you to start FitWitFeo?
Somebody said something to me that I didn’t like. It had me going and inspired me to start going to the gym. One day I saw my Mom at the gym too and at first, I thought, “I can work out with my Mom!” When I watched my Mom working out, I saw that she was doing things that could potentially hurt her. Some things made me think or say “Oh, that doesn’t look right or that should not be like that.” So, I started researching the technical aspect of working out and I posted some things to social media. People started commenting on my posts and then started asking me to help them. This wasn’t something I had planned to do. And, FitWitFeo is what it turned into. It just happened.
Tell us about FitWitFeo. What do you do to help people?
Most of the people I work with are women that want to lose weight. Some want to lose their stomach, some want to lose what they call the bra strap fat, while others want to tone up their legs. Some clients don’t want to lose any weight but want to tone up some. I really try to work with my clients on whatever their personal goal is and try to change their mindset on fitness.
They say the proof is in the pudding. How are you a testimony for FitWitFeo?
A woman I was talking to looked at me one day and said, “Look at your little chest.” To this day, she says that she didn’t mean it in the way that I took it, but at that moment, I decided, “You will never say that to me again.” I started going to the gym. Going to the gym was not about being healthy or trying to help anybody else. I went purely for me because somebody told me something about me that I particularly didn’t care for.
It was hard for me to gain weight because I knew my metabolism is extremely fast, so I started experimenting with protein. I was the perfect person to say, “I don’t believe any of this,” but I was at the point where I had nothing to lose by trying. In 30 days, I started gaining weight – five pounds – and then I gained another five pounds in six weeks. I repeated what I was doing, experimenting on myself and just posting pictures of my Mom and me in the gym. Before you knew it, I was different, and people were noticing and telling me that they saw my results. I practice what I preach.
What services do you offer at FitWitFeo?
I ask every client what they need, and I try to give them what they are looking for. This may include:
- A Meal Plan. For a personalized meal plan, I refer them to my nutritionist.
- Workouts. I do coach and do a resistance training extreme, step aerobics and group cardio workout.
- Massage therapy. I offer different packages to help with workout soreness. My massage sessions include stretching and are tailored to what my client is looking for.
Who are some of your success stories?
Here are some of my clients, and they are still working on themselves to meet personal goals.
Brandi – Before and After Kristen – Before and After Tricia – Before and After
Why should health and physical fitness be important in the Chicago stepping community?
Well, I think it’s just important, period, not just for steppers. We are losing a lot of people and African Americans are prone to different health situations – strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension. We don’t particularly eat the healthiest or readily have access to the best food in our supermarkets and groceries. In some areas, food that we do get that is supposed to be healthy isn’t even as healthy as it should be. We must take personal responsibility to care for ourselves. We have kids, grandkids, and parents that we know we want to be around for help. It’s beneficial for us overall, mentally and spiritually, not just physically.
Feo, how did the pandemic impact you?
I was doing computer security work with the bank and after the pandemic started they eventually let me go. From there, I started thinking I’m going to do just FitWitFeo. I don’t want to do anything else and I was going to figure out how to make this work. It was beneficial for me for this to happen because if it was not for the pandemic, I would probably still be working at the bank. This change forced me to put 100% focus into just doing FitwitFeo and figuring out how to make this completely work for me.
How does someone get started with FitWitFeo?
You can reach me on social media by messages on Facebook or Instagram and by phone. I try to respond to all texts and messages I get. I also have regularly scheduled classes. At times, I do group training and go to places to teach for weeks at a time. I just did a workshop at Kevin Brewer’s Steppin and Glampin weekend event. You can contact me to find out how I can give you what you are looking for.
Get Started with FitWitFeo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitwitfeo.duncan.5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitwitthefeo/
Text: 810-877-9415
Also available for fitness workshops at steppers weekend events.
FitWitFeo Class Schedule
Gym Fitness Center, 4290 Miller Road, Flint, MI 48507
- Xtreme Hip Hop Step Thursdays | 6:30 – 8:00 pm
- Xtreme Burn/Fit Camp Saturdays | 9:00 am
LA Fitness, 2050 S Telegraph Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
- Xtreme Hip Hop Step Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:30 am | Thursdays 7:00 – 8:30 am | Fridays 7:00 – 8:30 am
Always accepting new clients online and in person.
In closing, thank you Feo for letting us into your personal story and journey in fitness and health. What is your message for steppers?
I want all of you to be blessed. Truly, I do.