Summer is contest season for the Chicago Stepping community. July starts the prelims for our most popular contest, The World’s Largest Steppers Contest. August ends the preliminaries with the last last chance to qualify to get to the big stage at Milwaukee’s Largest Steppers Contest. The World’s Largest Steppers Contest is in mid-September. In 2021 we’re also looking forward to the third Get Down Steppers Contest hosted by G.A.W. Productions in Chicago on August 27 and the first Texas Heat in Houston, TX hosted by the Nikee Experience, October 8-10. Because of the pandemic, the host, Sheila Watkins, postponed the Get Down Contest for 2020, but it’s back for the third time in 2021 with $5,000 in prizes across five contest categories. I’m excited. I had a chance to talk with the 2019 Get Down Steppers Contest New School category winners, Kamaal Sadeeq and Chelysse Barker.
Meet Kamaal
I call him “The Silent Killer” because, despite his tall, outstanding presence, it seems that no one sees him coming every time he is in a contest. He has a quiet, reserved nature whenever I see him on the set. He had the same silent, stoic disposition when I saw him sitting with his partner, Chelysse, on the night of The Get Down Steppers Contest 2019 – Friday, April 26. Kamaal is no stranger to steppers contests like the Get Down or being on the big stage at World’s Largest Steppers Contest. He has placed second in the Out of Towner’s category of the World’s Largest Steppers Contest (WLSC) in 2007. Other contests under his belt include Phoenix Steppers Weekend 2007 and various contests in Las Vegas between 2007 and 2013. In 2017, he placed second in the Original Old Skool Category at WLSC. New School Category First Place Winner for the 2019 Get Down Contest is on his list with this win.
Meet Chelysse
Chelysse was Kamaal’s partner for the 2019 Get Down Steppers Contest when he asked her the day of to be his partner. This was her first time partnering with Kamaal. However, she had already entered three minor contests and has been stepping for twelve years. The amazing part of seeing Chelysse on stage in this contest is her display of determination, will, and faith. Chelysse told me that she is a testimony of God’s work. Her doctor told her she might never walk again, but she is still stepping. “This is the MAIN reason I keep dancing through all the pain because I asked God not to take my legs from me because of my passion for stepping, and HE granted me just that! That’s why I keep going and going and going! Until He says, it’s time for me to stop.” Add to her contest roster, New School Category First Place Winner for the 2019 Get Down Contest.

Last Minute Decision. First Place Win.
Sheila Watkins asked Kamaal to enter the Get Down Contest, and when Kamaal asked Chelysse the day of the contest, she met him at the Grand Ballroom after they both got off from work that very Friday. I don’t think they even got a chance to practice after making the decision.
Kamaal: “I almost didn’t enter as I had a mild case of food poisoning that day and I hadn’t eaten all day, so when I got to the Grand Ballroom I just drank club soda to settle my stomach. I asked Chelysse to get in the contest with me. I’ve known her since 2008 and we have a similar approach to dancing and appreciating music so for me it was a great match.”
Chelysse: “It was definitely a last-minute decision made after we both got off work that same day.”
A Different Type of Steppers Contest
What is the difference between competing in the Get Down Steppers Contest versus the World’s Largest Steppers Contest?
Kamaal: For me, the difference in entering The Get Down vs. The World’s Largest Steppers Contest is there are no prelims. You show up and you dance. You don’t know who you’re dancing against until you get there. The energy is raw and unfiltered. The World’s Largest you have a pretty good idea as to who your competitors are because of the preliminaries. The energy is grandiose so if you’re not locked in mentally you can be thrown off your game.
What is your state of mind before you dance and while you’re dancing?
Kamaal: My state of mind before I dance is pretty focused. I don’t engage in a lot of conversation and socializing. While I dance my mind is at ease and the music takes over. I recall sitting with Chelysse at the table and we both were just locked in mentally. Trying to relax but still staying alert.
Chelysse: On the night going into the contest I was terribly nervous and was just praying to keep up…
How did you feel when they announced you were to dance-off for first place?
Kamaal: I kind of had the feeling we would be in a dance-off with Doc and Sabrina……I just felt it. So, I warned Chelysse to not relax just yet and be prepared to go back up……and it happened.

Do you think score reveals from the judges like the Get Down Contest format make a difference?
Kamaal: Wow, great question. I don’t think so. The judges’ opinions are subjective. The best situation I can have is a great partner I know I can rest and believe in. That way, win or lose, you know you’re out there with the right person. Otherwise, one would be a bit worrisome regarding the judges.
How did it feel scoring all 10’s from the judges?
Kamaal: To get all 10’s from the judges was super humbling. I was tired and famished from not eating that day. I was happy for Chelysse because we didn’t practice at all, we just showed up and she is an incredibly soulful dancer to me.
What was your initial reaction to finding out you had won?
Chelysse: I was totally shocked that we won.
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Looking Back at the Contest Experience
What is your favorite contest song of all time that you have danced to?
Kamaal: My favorite song that I’ve danced to in a contest hasn’t been revealed yet. There are TONS of good music out there that’s yet to be discovered making the possibilities endless.
What has been the best part of your contest experience?
Kamaal: The best part of my contest experience thus far is just learning and getting better and better. It keeps my competitive spirit blazing around something that I love as much as I do this dance.
What do you believe you had to do to be the best contest partner for Kamaal?
Chelysse: Concentrate on staying in tune with my partner.
In the dance-off, Chelysse you were in “the zone.” What took you there?
Chelysse: Being comfortable with my partner and having fun.
What would be your advice to contestants who are getting ready for this contest?
Chelysse: I would tell the contestants to follow their dreams.
Kamaal: My word of advice for contestants entering the Get Down this year is just to be ready to dance.
Defending the Title Win for New School in 2021 or No?

Are you competing in the Get Down Steppers Contest again this year?
Kamaal: It remains to be seen.
Chelysse: It’s a great possibility that I will return again!
I have more questions now. Will Kamaal and Chelysse compete again this year in the Get Down? If yes, will they compete with or against each other? I’ve already seen Kamaal showing out at the 2021 Los Angeles World’s Largest prelims with a different partner. I guess I will have to wait until Friday, August 27 at the Grand Ballroom to find out with everybody else. I am on pins and needles here.
The 2019 New School Category Dance-Off
I was so excited for this dance-off I wanted to stand on the table and cheer and scream. Watch Kamaal and Chelysse’s winning performance in this dance-off with Kevin “Doc” Dockery and Sebrina “Bri” Thomas.
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Welcome! I am the writer Sonji Stewart. These are my travel stories about my Chicago Stepping experiences, traveling from city to city to dance. I hope my stories encourage you to join me in the adventure.
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