This year’s road to the 2019 steppin’ contest, WLSC was a different experience. This post is not a full recap of the 2019 WLSC but more about the memorable highs and lows of the contest for me personally as a contestant. I had project runway moments, my knees hurt from practicing, I spoke to my partner daily and I spent more days – I mean weeks in Chicago – than I ever spent in any other month. Significant decisions created the path and opportunity for me to be on stage with my partner Maurice Thomas. Firstly, a big “THANK YOU” to Maurice. I enjoyed our journey and mostly appreciated your respect.
However, my fondest memories of any WLSC are usually the surprises, and 2019 was no different. These moments remind me that any stepper in this contest should condition his or her mind to be flexible and stay relaxed and focused when faced with the unexpected. So, what were the surprises?
Getting Ready for the Contest Suprises
- Last Minute Outfit Change. I was not happy with my dress. It had been in my closet for at least a month. However, on contest day, needle and thread were my best friends to make an entirely new dress my own.
- One Couple At A Time. When Pete announced at the contestant briefing that we would be dancing one couple at a time on the floor I didn’t know if this was good or bad. I stayed focused on the positive.
- The Conversation. Every year at this contest somehow Lady Margaret and I always end up in the restroom alone. Just as she did last year, Lady Margaret shared encouraging words, smiled, and looked like a million dollars ready for the stage.
- The Order of Performance. This year the contest program listed participants in a different order than the original list posted on Facebook. In 2018 I swear the contestants were listed with the women’s names first and alphabetized that way with some random one offs where the men’s name came first. This year, it was alphabetized the men’s name first and again there were some random one offs where the women’s name was used first. Hmmm.
- Two Couples At A Time. As the contest progressed and it got late they started having two couples at a time perform on the floor. April Fool’s! I tried to forget the positives I tried to focus on earlier.
- Adam Yhwh. When my dear friend made his transition on Friday, I was outside of myself. I did not know if I could be in the right head space for the contest. Bri’s comment on Facebook stated “I will dance for you too Adam Yhwh” and I silently agreed to do the same. R. I. P. my friend.
On Stage Surprises for the Contest
- Herb Ihenacho vs Jamil Bey. I was on my feet to see this one. I could not believe two men I have practiced with were on the stage at the same time dancing against each other. Wow! This new order was a nice shake up.
- The Spank. Contestants know we have to win the audience out the gate. Well, Marcus and Opal did it with the spank. Maaan, I wasn’t ready!
- The Fall. Certainly, as contestants, we dread this especially when we review the rules. “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” I chanted over and over as I flew up out of my seat on my tippy-toes seeing Sherry Gordon falling backwards. I forgot about everything else. She followed the rule, “Don’t stop dancing!” My shero!
- The Tie. I didn’t know you could fall in a contest and still possibly land first place. Wow! Doc and Tori, Mike and Sherry must have blown us all out the water in New Skool with their scores. This was exciting! A dance off!
- The Second Fall. When Sherry fell in the dance off, I was dismayed. Again, she followed the rule, “Don’t stop dancing.” I was concerned for Sherry and also empathetic about how Westside Mike might have felt in both moments. I am convinced they will both be okay.
- The Atlanta Sweep. Finally, the biggest surprise, Atlanta folks placed in several categories. That’s my people. I was especially happy and proud seeing Queeny do her thing in the contest. I was thinking, “She came to win.” She dances like that every time I see her in Atlanta and it makes me smile.
Final Wrap Up on 2019 WLSC

In conclusion, this contest was filled with highs and lows for me. The biggest difference this year to make a special note of in my 2019 recap of the contest was all the encouragement from Chicago. Above all, I want to thank everyone who gave me a hug, smile, or single word of faith. There is no journey like this. Thank you, Pete Frazier and the Majestic Gents for staying steady to host a classic, bigger-than-life contest event to keep steppers from many cities coming to Chicago where this dance started.
Val Wales
Nice Dance
Thanks for sharing your experience.