It’s going on six months since our dance world as a community has pretty much come to a screeching halt due to the coronavirus. So, I wanted to do a coronavirus check-up with my steppers. What have you been doing with yourself? I’ve been reconnecting with old friends, eating well, playing the piano, and dancing at home. Line dances have been my savior. I am also knee-deep in my writing projects. No excuses. I am staying busy. You?
I’ve seen a couple of Facebook posts from steppers.

Chicago Stepping as an Outlet
Mike B reminded me this week how I’d written earlier in my blog about how steppin’ was an outlet for many people. Some of us step for exercise, some of us to overcome addictions, to overcome loneliness, to compete, to retire, to socialize, to travel, or to just have fun. So many reasons… Now that dancing for steppers has shut down in several places what have we all been doing? Without our steppin’, have you found a new outlet?
I am not sure what the strategy is for the steppin’ community to come out of this quarantine. At this point, it looks like independent judgment and discretion on moving forward. Until we figure it all out, we should take care of ourselves and each other. Stay healthy and in good spirits my friends.
Again I ask, “You Good?”
Don’t forget to check on your fellow steppers regularly. When? You should start today. Drop a comment to let us know how you’re feeling and what’s up.
Red wrist cuff is from ODesignsByYvette and shout out to Jeffrey Clark of I Love Steppin’ from Detroit for the meme.