Conversations with the older generation of steppers always keep me laughing and happy in this dance. Their stories keep me glued and curious about what was happening before, what is happening now, and what might happen next. Willie Bell shares why he fell in love with stepping and why he is still on the set today – stepping and sharing the love of the dance.
Willie Bell Starts Stepping
Like it was yesterday, I can remember why I was so into this dance that we call STEPPPIN’. Back in the day, when I first noticed the older guys and girls doing it, we called it BOPPIN’. I was in grammar school and getting into girls. In my opinion, every guy at that time was trying to invent himself. Boys were doing whatever we could do to meet and get the girls to like us. We played sports or just strutted down the streets. Whatever we were doing, we were trying to get noticed.
And that brings me to this dance. I only wanted to dance with the girls. Everything was about the girls. Some girls knew how to dance, and I wanted them to notice me. So, of course, I had to get my bop down. With the teaching of my mentor LIL TOMMY T, I was on my way. As I think about it, I can’t remember getting into the dance for ME. It was for the girls and only for the girls.
In my young life, at that time, the girls were EVERYTHING. Man, there were so many girls my age that could bop. That alone motivated me even more to get this dance. I was a little guy, and I felt that as a short guy, I had to work harder than other guys just because I was small. BUT that was alright with me!! If I had to move a building, I was going to try if the girls were watching. LOL!
I wanted to be sharp going out to every party because, again, it was all about the girls. Never thinking much about what other guys thought about my fashion, I dressed for the girls from my brim to my shoes.
Some years went by. Now I was driving, and I would pick up a buddy or two, but you know, there was always room for the girls too. When I pulled up to the party, I never cared if the guys saw me, but I tried to make sure that the ladies noticed me. Now I was paying my way to get into the set. When I got to the door, if a lady was coming in alone, I would pay her way in to get to meet her and, of course, to be a gentleman.
While On the Steppers Set
On the set, my head swiveled from side to side to see who was there. I was dressed. I had pop money because I don’t drink, and I was ready to dance. Sometimes I saw guys dancing together – man-on-man is what it was called but not me. I wanted to get in my zone with the ladies. I guess dancing man-on-man got the ladies’ attention but being in a circle with the guys and ladies watching me was my goal. The highlight of the dance to me that made me glow was SLOW DANCE OR WALKING TIME.
Remember, I keep saying it was all about the girls? To have a beautiful girl close to me walking around the dance floor and other ladies checking me out was why I got into this dance. I still have mad love for it today. I don’t walk on the set because I’m married now, but I feel like I can still enjoy the sets just by steppin. BUT LET ME REPEAT MYSELF,
Willie Bell
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Welcome! I am the writer Sonji Stewart. These are my travel stories about my Chicago Stepping experiences, traveling from city to city to dance. I hope my stories encourage you to join me in the adventure.
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