A couple of years ago, I saw Qiana “Q” Wilson dance with Andre Blackwell in Atlanta at his New Year’s weekend event and I said, “Whoa!” There are not many ladies on the Chicago stepping scene that I see dance the way she does with Dre. I knew she was from Chicago and had seen her dance before, but that was the first time I’d seen her leave it all on the floor. Over time, I learned, here and there, that she also wrote poetry, co-hosted the podcast Will Q You with Will Barnes, co-hosted the Heritage Ball All-Star contest with Terrance Pratt, and that she had been a judge for the World’s Largest Steppers Contest. When I had the opportunity to interview her I didn’t know where to start, so I had to ask her questions about most of it. Here is the two-part interview – Questions with Q.
Q is from Chicago – “West Siiiidddeeee,” she says. She has been stepping for twelve years. Q started stepping after going to a friend’s stepping birthday party – Maddy B’s daughter, Shawnta – and loved the style and grace of the dance. She kept on stepping and says, “I enjoy the dance and mingling with people from all over the country.” Q has also competed in the World’s Largest Steppers Contest. “In 2012, I partnered with Jerry Gainer from Milwaukee. We didn’t place but it was a fun eye-opening experience.”
Part 1: Will Q You and New Skool Stepping
- Tell us about the Will Q You podcast.
The Will Q You podcast is something that Will and I started to discuss current events. It’s not just about what goes on in the stepping community. It includes relationship discussions, party recaps, and sometimes everyday drama is an interesting discussion topic in itself.

Red white n smooth recap and the NOADWBP session.Listen to NOADWBP – July – Daytini – 7_13_21, 7.06 PM.m4a by MrTMIR on #SoundCloud
- What are your favorite sets in Chicago now and why?
The R&B & Hip Hop set because it’s a different vibe. It involves music I can relate to.
- The NOADWBP Tag. What’s the problem and what do you think is the answer?
I don’t see NOADWBP as being a problem. Therefore, the answer is, “What I’m saying about it? NOT A DAMN THING.”
- Is there anything you appreciate about Old Skool?
Absolutely. The style; where the dance originated. The people; the educators and performers of the dance who are keeping it alive.
- Is New Skool replacing old Skool?
Not at all. New Skool has been around for quite some time. It’s just another category in the list of styles related to Chicago stepping. New Skool is the evolution of Old Skool. Anything that doesn’t evolve, dies. Let’s keep stepping alive.
Relationships and Dating on the Steppers Scene
When I have talked with people from the stepping community like DJ Sam Chatman, Willie Bell, or Kathleen “Lady Taboo” Wiggins, there is always an overtone and emphasis on family and relationships. Steppers reminisce fondly about the families and years of friendships created in the stepping community that last sometimes more than forty years. Marriages formed and children born from stepper relationships are an undeniable part of steppers’ history. However, on public platforms, steppers don’t talk much about relationships on the steppers scene. Qiana Wilson’s spoken word on “The Movement is Real” is candid and says what’s really going. So, I jumped at the chance in this part of our interview, to briefly talk about dating on the steppers scene.
- Is the stepping community a good place to meet people for a relationship? Why?
Yes, because like any other situation where you have something in common, you vibe. If you’re a stepper, and it’s what you love to do, meeting someone on the stepping scene is ideal for you.
- What are some pros and cons for dating on the stepper scene?
Pros, you always have a dance partner. Cons, every now and again, jealousy rears its ugly head. And if you break up, you are subject to see them with someone else or give up kicking it with the people you enjoy.
- Why do you think there are secret daters on the stepper set and do you think those work out?
Like in any other situation, secret affairs are secret for a reason. Depending on the motive, it can either be mutually agreeable, or someone is trying to run game. I personally don’t trust it because it most often means someone is looking to have an intimate relationship with more than one person at the same time in the same place. It can work out if they both want it to be a secret, as long as neither one of them is being deceived, and no one changes the rules in the middle of the game.
Dating Non-Steppers and Dating Long-Distance
- So, if you date a non-stepper would you get him involved in the stepping scene?
No. It’s my secret haven. It’s what I do to relax and take my mind off the problems of the real world. I don’t want to invite him into my fantasy world, because when fantasy becomes a reality, where do you go?
- What is your word of advice for dating long-distance?
How do I feel about long-distance relationships? Again, I have to rely on my personal preference. It’s not for me, but I believe it is doable. With the right frame of mind and a certain level of maturity, I believe two people can maintain a meaningful relationship without seeing each other daily. How mature do you have to be? Next level secure and sure and in total control of your emotions.
NEXT UP IN PART 2: Qiana Shares From The Perspective of A World’s Largest Steppers Contest New Skool Judge
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Welcome! I am the writer Sonji Stewart. These are my travel stories about my Chicago Stepping experiences, traveling from city to city to dance. I hope my stories encourage you to join me in the adventure.
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