Eight Days of Stepping in Chicago to Celebrate My Birthday
I have celebrated my birthday in Chicago for the past five years. 2024 is my first time writing about my birthday celebration on the blog instead of on social media. Every May I spend one and a half to two weeks in Chicago dancing to celebrate a new year. It’s now a tradition I love. During the pandemic I spent a whole month. It does not get any better than that.
I landed on Tuesday, May 14 on my birthday. That was my first time, I think, being on an airplane on my birthday. I stepped, strutted and celebrated all week long. There is so much to celebrate this year – just thankful to be alive. Here are the trip highlights from the dances on my birthday week in Chi Town and the schedule lineup that I dared myself to dance through for seven days!
“I have given ZERO regards to pacing myself this week and I am not ashamed and I really mean “ZERO.”
Sonji – Facebook post
Ten of My Favorite Dance Moments and Birthday Highlights
I got caught up at the Family Den much longer than planned, but when the crowd changed, I danced with Mark Alexander. It’s all in the hands for Mark and that was a great birthday gift. I ran very late getting to The Blue Note.
As his body changes, so does his dance. Whenever I dance with Reginald Bandy now we’re in our own world. I want more! More! More! I danced with him almost every day. On our playful, stare down dance on Thursday at MVK’s set an entire table of ladies applauded us loudly after we danced for two songs. I wonder if I found me a partner?
When I met this fellow in person, I was already looking forward to meeting him because I had seen him dancing on one of the lives from MVK’s set. I was so enthralled that in person I chose to record him instead of dance with him on my previous trip. I saw Mac again at Darrel Davis’ birthday party on Sunday, and I was ready. We traveled the floor and it was the sweetest first dance for two songs. I am going to remember this for a very long time.
Friday night at The Fifty was a dance frenzy. All of my favorites were there. Sherrod and Danny. I danced with Dwayne and he smiled when I did my footwork. I have been waiting for that moment. The next day a gentleman stopped me and said, “I saw you dancing at the Fifty on Friday. I need to see you dance like that all the time. You belong in a movie.” Believe me, I want to dance like that every day with everybody.
There are some men I have been dancing with for years in Chicago that I’ve been waiting for the moment to just get it right all the way with him. Pharies Henderson! I think I finally got it! What a sweet time! It was a joy in every moment from Visions on Wednesday to Heroes on Sunday. I thank you. And then when the men from other cities meet you in Chicago and turn up differently, I don’t forget it either. Popeye, we have to dance again in Chicago several more times.
The thing I love about Chicago is that there are some men I don’t dance with often so I never get used to their rhythm. Every dance feels like a fresh dance when I dance with Clarence and Otis. They are two of my favorites and they made my time at Wednesday at Visions and The Blue Note on both Tuesdays a time to be had and to be glad.
When I went to the May Extravaganza it was a much older crowd, and I was seated in a far flung room from all the action. It made me restless, but I was handed a few surprises. I danced with Tall Rick who I was surprised to see. I don’t know why, but I am more nervous dancing with Tall Rick when he is in Chicago than anywhere else. Then I danced with someone who went by the name LP who said he was a student of Maurice Turner. He was Old School and I loved his dance. I am adding him to my list although I do not know when I shall see him again.
Choc James was almost everywhere that I went. We tore up that wood, laid down some new wood, and burned it up again. Experimental energy is how I am learning now and that is what I feel in his dance. Leaving a big impression whenever we dance is the goal.
True to their behavior, Cliff “Big Slim” Reynolds and Darnell Johnson, laid out a whole dance exam when I danced with them at Heroes and at the MVK set. Traveling backwards with Cliff: A, Traveling period with spins and turns with Darnell: A. I have some things to work on but I’m just going to take some private notes and iron those out for the next trip. It was fun while learning, and I felt so good about my improvements and the challenges to know what I need to work on next.
I am delighted when men who do not dance often decide they need to break the habit and take me for a twirl. I danced with Bernard and Jewell captured this snippet for me at The Blue Note on Tuesday. On my final Tuesday I asked the Family Den Manager to dance and the first thing he said was, “How do you know I can step?” I said, “I watched you last week. I just hope I am ready for this.” We danced and I was smiling about that dance several times after I left The Family Den to get to the next set.
A Big Thank You for Perfecting the Moments

I enjoyed all of my dances and set hopping for the week. It was nothing short of fantastic fun. Thank you Salsa Tina for making it right with just a word and getting my birthday line going at Heroes. I want to thank DJ Otis Chism, DJ Cross, Flyy Diva, DJ Lady Love, Eric ET Taylor, and Jay Boogie for the recognition and shout outs on the mic in all the places and keeping things safe. I felt celebrated and that’s what the week was about. Hollywood Frank, as always, took the celebration over the top. Thank you sir because you make every moment pleasantly different.
When I leave Chicago, there is always a new commitment for me to return to this magical city. I have to return soon to work on this walk. The older men are getting me together and my goal is to get on board with the tradition to learn on the stepper set. I am hoping to go from disaster to delight. Thank you for a wonderful birthday experience again Chi-Town. I will be back soon. These gentlemen I missed this time around and I’ll be looking for you next time around to make up for this miss – Simon, Bug, Demetrius, Poteete, Coach Earl, and Scorpio. No pressure but you all stay on my list and I hope you show up without a line when I am in town. I missed you this time.
The Chicago Birthday Schedule
Tuesday, May 14
- After Skaters Stepper Set – The Family Den
- DJ Playlist Take Over Tuesdays – The Family Den
- Taylor Street Entertainment Stepping Tuesdays – The Blue Note
Wednesday, May 15
- Dancing Davney’s United We Step Work it Out Wednesdays – Visions Odeum & Events
Thursday, May 16
- MVK Production Steppers Set, The Noble Entertainment Center
- Stepping Thursday’s Refresh w/ Myron ‘The R’ & Friends, The Blue Note
Friday, May 17
- Taylor Street Entertainment Freedom Fridays, The 50 Yard Line
Saturday, May 18
- NOADWBP 5 Year Anniversary, Smiley’s Gaming Cafe
- The Maxx’s are saying Bye to the Chi, Creed Flossmoor
- Smooth Operations, A Rhapsody in May Extravaganza, Serbian Social Center
Sunday, May 19
- 4 p.m. Sexy Stepping Productions, Hero’s Sports Bar & Grill
- 3rd Connextion Presents, The Legendary Darrel Davis Birthday Party, Visions Odeum & Events
- 10 p.m. Sexy Stepping Productions, Hero’s Sports Bar & Grill – Lady’s Lead Contest
Monday, May 20
- DJ Tone Afterwork Steppin Set, The 50 Yard Line
Tuesday, May 21
- After Skaters Stepper Set – The Family Den
- Taylor Street Entertainment Stepping Tuesdays – The Blue Note
Source: Cynthia Bean’s Weekly newsletter – Steppers 411