Etiquette in Chicago Stepping revolves around traditions of social grace to respect your partner, the dance floor, and overall atmosphere.
Communication is key. Non-verbal communication is a critical part of following in the dance. Invite and accept invitations gracefully. Thank your partner for the dance.
Maintain good hygiene and stay sober. Wear clean clothes and deodorant. Follow the dress code and avoid wearing anything that could hinder your movements or be uncomfortable for your partner.
Follow the beat and have fun. Stay in sync with the music and your partner. Enjoy the music, the movement and your dance partner’s company.
Etiquette FAQs for Steppers
Before understanding, you may have questions about what you see on the stepper set. Why are two men dancing with each other? Why is that married man dancing with all those other women? Read etiquette from the blog and Iary Israel’s guide of 35 Rules on Dance Floor etiquette.
How do I work the room at the stepper set?
Be cool. Watch the floor. Generally, men dance with women for 2-3 songs. Observe and take cues from your partner on how many songs they are willing to dance to. Ask. One song is okay. Thank your partner and get to the next when the time is right.
How do I get onto a crowded dance floor?
Approach the floor between songs and lead your partner to a spot. A light pat on the lead’s back in any couple dancing helps him know someone is trying to get by and they will adjust. Find a lane comfortable for you and your partner that follows the steppers flow. Stay in your lane.
From the Blog | Etiquette on the Stepper Set
Where Every Dance Fits and the Nuances of Feedback
Changes in the Stepper Set Culture and Its Impact on Stepping
Steppers Etiquette on How Long Shall We Dance
Gospel Music, Religion, and Spirituality in Chicago Stepping
Asking A Woman to Dance on the Steppers Set
Steppin’ Etiquette 12: Finish Out the Song
Hello, I am Sonji
I saw stepping for the first time in Virginia and fell in love with the dance. I started traveling in 2012 and fell in love with the people, culture, and experience. Chicago stepping has taken me across the nation chasing its truths. I enjoy the chase. It has stirred my soul and healed me. These are my travel stories about Stepping.

35 Rules on Dance Floor Etiquette
Iary Israel of Word of Mouth Entertainment shares his rules on dance floor etiquette for steppers. Learning etiquette is a key part of learning to step.