I have seen Tony Adway show a lot of emotion whether happy or sad. I wondered if he’d let me pry to find out more about the substance of the man behind the humor, the food and the smile in person and on social media. He didn’t disappoint and shared candidly – straight no chaser about his intentions and what really matters to him. Here is Part 1.
Tony “T-A” Adway was born and raised in Chicago. He admits that he’s been a party person his whole life starting off as a house head from an early age – fast dancing. As he became older he was introduced to steppin’ music, the slower, up close, and personal style of dancing. Between 35 and 40 he kind of fell in love with steppin’. His mom was a stepper and he’d seen the dance but house music had such a hold on him. He has not let go of house music. “I can go to 3 or 4 steppin’ sets a week and 3 or 4 house sets a week.”
Why do you love Chicago?
It’s home. Beyond the bi-polar weather and the violence that’s going on here, Chicago is a beautiful place to be – the people here, my friends. There was a time when I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but due to some circumstances and health reasons I am looking to relocate, but that’s only because of my health issues. It’s the mecca of steppin’. It’s the mecca of House. The barbecues, the picnics, all that. I mean there is no other place in the world like Chicago.
What is your role in the stepping community?
I am basically for the people. About having fun. I like to be around crowds and to see people smiling. There’s a lot of bickering and squabbling that I am trying to eliminate so steppers can just concentrate on the dance. I’ve been doing a lot of posts and getting shirts made saying it’s not the dance it’s the dancers. If the dancers can leave all the extracurricular personal stuff at their house and not bring it to the events, I think the steppin’ community can grow even bigger. I really believe a lot of people avoid the steppin’ game because they hear and see a lot of adults’ “mischievousness.” I try to keep the peace and promote the happiness to show the happy side of this dance.
What inspires you to do what you do?
I am a diabetic. A couple of years ago at an appointment, the doctor told me that if I didn’t cut my leg off I would be dead within 48 hours because of an infection in my leg that had spread throughout my body. I had always said I would never get anything cut off so at that point in time I was really willing to just let my family know that this is what’s going to happen and I was ready to leave this place. My youngest son came to me and told me he was going to be selfish and ask me to get my leg cut off. After listening to him I got my leg cut off and I got my second chance to live to be happy again. I had about 5,000 prayer requests for me from Facebook friends and family and from the steppers community.
They raised a lot of money for me when I was in the hospital right after I got my leg cut off. The greatest gift you can give another individual is your prayers. When people had their busy lives and stopped to pray for me, it helped give me this second chance. The power of prayer gave me a second chance and I guess what inspires me is that I want to give back to the ones that inspired me the most when I was down. I really don’t like this disdain that people have on the steppers set. Everybody in this community should be happy and everyone to love one another. I try to promote love and fellowship and that is something so simple to do – just smile. Everybody is so bitter. I try to promote smiling and happiness. I love everybody.
What kept you motivated?
That was probably one of the most depressing days of my life – when I lost my leg. There are not enough words to express how down I was. But once again, when you are given a second chance again at anything, whether it is life or to go after a job, you need to take advantage of it and be better at it. God gives you these opportunities to do it over and you don’t want to waste it. Now I want to be the first to do things. My doctor told me that I was the first person to try on my prosthetic for the very first time and walk out the door and go home with that prosthetic on. I have been walking ever since. It inspired me to be better and I think that I am doing that.
What makes you a popular MC and event hype man?
I just love to be in the lights. Black and Bling is one of the top two events in the country and those two brothers have embraced me and brought me in. They threw me a birthday party because my birthday is in April and they bring me in. I think the popularity of my show and the number of followers I have when I am brought on to an event or on a ticket lets the promoter be reassured that I am going to promote, hype up and get people excited about the event. I am going to take the best pictures you ever had for your event. It’s about embracing the highs of the event. Having over 230,000 followers doesn’t hurt either.
Follow him on Facebook in the group “The Tony Adway Show”
Where will we see you next ? As far as Chicago? The All White Weekend. I’ll be in Las Vegas in August for Stepcation with Tony Hearn. Denise wants to bring me to Harlem Nights this year and I could be at Geno’s event again in January. I am definitely going back to Black and Bling in April and on Memorial Day weekend I will be back in St Louis, Missouri for Stepaganza 2020. My calendar is full. I want to take my hat off and thank Mr Iary Israel. Iary Israel gave me my first opportunity to come to Stepaganza. Once Iary puts you on his team things blow up for you. In between Iary Israel and Kirk White who introduced me to him, the Tony Adway thing is blowing up.
Stay tuned for part 2 of the interview. Tony talks about the idea of the Tony Adway show, the future of Chicago style steppin’ from his perspective and more…
Part 2 of the Tony Adway Interview: Tony Adway. Making Waves with Serious Talk.
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As the old saying goes, “you never know a persons story” i listen & watch the Tony Adway show and he is gut wrenching funny. I sometimes find myself in tears watching him. He definitely has a comedic side and I hope he knows the joy he brings to others. The thought of him wanting to give up is shocking because he’s such a joy and has a natural gift. I’m glad he’s living in his “second chance”
Mike B.
Nice article. You never really know someone’s story on the dance scene.
Victoria Taylor
Tony I encourage you to keep up the good work I also think you’re doing a great job at bringing love and peace to the stepping community.
😍😍 I’ll be looking for you at the next event.
Thank you Lisa. I hope you keep visiting.
Very nice blog!