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I spent a few days researching for some upcoming special projects for the blog and here is the first.  2018 is the 28th anniversary of the World’s Largest Steppers Contest – WLSC.  There is a lot of history across twenty-eight years and it is great for trivia. How much do you know about the WLSC in the history of Chicago-style steppin’? Here is the first WLSC trivia crossword puzzle to test your knowledge.  Before you ask, “No. This isn’t a contest about the contest.” This is just for fun and tests your knowledge. Good luck!

Available formats.

  1. Download the grid for the WLSC trivia crossword and clues here.
  2. Complete on screen below.  (Best viewed on a full screen)

Acknowledgments (information source): LC Henderson,

Think you have trivia questions about the World’s Largest Steppers Contest that no one else would know?  Want to see your trivia in a future crossword from us? Email Sonji Stewart at with your trivia question and the answer.  I hope you enjoyed this history lesson with WLSC trivia. Of course, we will credit the source of information.