When someone says Brazil I think of skirts, bright colors, flamenco, and kizomba although neither dance originated in Brazil. Now, we can say Chicago Stepping is officially in Brazil. Simply and plainly put, I think of sensual, close dancing with a lot of hip movement and fun! I don’t think Chicago-style steppin’. I was very surprised when Chicago Steppin’ Brasil came up as a group suggestion for me on Facebook. Just like the reach of music has no boundaries, steppin’ has surpassed the boundaries of the United States and is working its way to an international stage. Do any of you remember the video Andre Blackwell posted of him steppin’ in Paris, France with friends?
I wanted to know how steppers in Brazil started steppin’ and where they are in this dance. So, I met Evandro Oliveira, one of the steppers in Brazil trying to strengthen the popularity of Chicago Style steppin’ in a country all the way in South America. I stumbled upon a brand new community that is hungry for the dance and that is still looking for someone to help them learn to step Chicago style.
Learning to Step in Brazil

When did Chicago-Style Steppin start in Brazil?
Actually, I started to introduce Chicago Steppin in Brazil in 2010. We are still trying to introduce the dance to more people but we don’t have many dancers here. In Brazil, we launched a community and the followers are always asking, “When are we going to have an event here in Brazil?” We are planning to do an event but not yet.
Who started teaching people in Brazil how to step?
Sarita Cardoso and I. We are the only people who dance a bit.
Do instructors from the United States visit Brazil to teach?
Unfortunately, no instructor has visited us here in Brazil, I’ve talked sometimes with Terrance Pratt since 2010, but I have not been able to bring someone who can show us more of the dance and the Chicago Steppin culture.
How do steppers in Brazil continue to learn Chicago Style Steppin?
By watching tutorial videos on YouTube of steppers from Chicago.
Brazil Steppers Connecting with Chicago Steppers
How large is the stepping community in Brazil?
The stepping community here is small, but there are about 2,500 people in two Facebook Groups – Chicago Steppin Brazil and The Best of Black Music.
Do steppers from Brazil come to the United States often to attend events?
In September 2018 I plan to be at the World’s Largest Steppers Contest event.
Cultural Similarities
Does Steppin’ remind you of any other style of dance in Brazil?
Yes, it reminds me of samba Rock a Brazilian dance. “Samba rock is a genre of samba and subgenre of rock. Created in the 1960s, the genre combines the sounds of Brazilian samba, bebop, jazz, and soul.
Who are some of your favorite steppers from the United States that you have watched on videos online?
Tyk Mann, Taboo, Drew, Andre.
Why does Brazil want to step?
Certainly, we love American Black Music and it’s similar to Samba Rock, that’s why we love to step. Brazil has a very similar dance culture, I grew up hearing Barry White, Marvin Gaye, The Commodores, James Brown, Bootsy, De Barge, The Emotions, Stevie Wonder, and many others that don’t have enough space here to list them all. We love and accept American Black Music here.