A Chicago Stepping Blog CARING AND SHARING SINCE 2016

What It Takes to Recognize the Stepping Evolution

I want to make some points on the evolution of Chicago Stepping. Let’s first clearly define evolution: Evolution: any process of formation or growth; development When I think of evolution it’s not just about the dance – what I see on the wood. Evolution speaks to all of the Chicago Stepping experience. It can include where you can find the dance, the expressions of it, and other nuances. Thinking of it in that three-fold way, so much has changed in the fifteen years since I started learning to step in 2011. Evolution is often not a rapid, recognizable change. It…

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Women on the Chicago Steppers set enjoying themselves

Discussion Topics | Join the conversation in our livingthe8count Facebook group

Can you teach it? Can you be a great dancer WITHOUT footwork?

Footwork is the cornerstone of this dance. You can mimic someone’s footwork but you can’t teach the heart behind someone’s expression of it……and that’s where the real work begins. Join in on this Facebook group thread

Stepping Anywhere. Where else have you been stepping outside of the stepper set?

Interesting! I do it all the time if I have my EarPods on ! Airports definitely! I actually met Jerry Dunham Jr at Midway Airport because he was stepping in baggage claim! Join in on this Facebook group thread

Birthday Lines. Are we phasing them out? What do you like or not like about the birthday line?

Birthdays should be celebrated with a Dance. I enjoy the birthday line. Let the the tradition continue. Join in on this Facebook group thread.

“A follower’s dance is only as good as the person leading her.” Do you agree?

A good lead assesses the skill level of the follower within the first 15 seconds of the dance, and adjusts his lead accordingly – 85% within their capability, 15% challenging. Join in on this Facebook group thread.

Sonji, The Writer

I saw Chicago Stepping for the first time in Virginia and fell in love with the dance. I started traveling in 2012 and fell in love with the people, culture, and experience. Chicago stepping has taken me across the nation chasing its truths. I enjoy the chase. It has stirred my soul and healed me. These are my travel stories on about Stepping and livingthe8count. 

Sonji Stewart, creator of livingthe8count